Bayazid Bostami – Expert Zine Thu, 15 Nov 2018 11:01:41 +0000 en-AU hourly 1 Bayazid Bostami – Expert Zine 32 32 How A High Protein Diet Will Help You Meet Your Fitness Goal Tue, 13 Nov 2018 17:45:55 +0000 /?p=1318 To help you meet your personal fitness goal, a diet high in protein is essential for many reasons. Especially if you’re working out to gain some extra muscle mass, you...

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To help you meet your personal fitness goal, a diet high in protein is essential for many reasons. Especially if you’re working out to gain some extra muscle mass, you need fuel for your body and the right amount of protein intake is vital as the nutrient contains chains of amino acids which support the building of muscle tissue. Protein also helps you if you are exercising to drop a size, as it is dense and the body needs to work harder to digest it. This means more calories are burnt in the process of absorption. Furthermore, does the nutrient keep your blood sugar level stable, hence you will experience fewer food cravings over a longer period of time which may result in eventual weight loss.


Since most essential proteins are provided by food and you are exercising hard, you should make sure to include enough dairy products, eggs, fish and meat in their daily diet as well as nuts, seeds, fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Even though animal foods are a source of good protein, you should eat a variety of plant-based proteins as well to get all essential amino acids your body needs when training towards your fitness goal.


It is long known that especially athletes who include a lot of weightlifting into their exercise need a higher protein intake than the average individual since their muscles need to be repaired after the break down during exercise. When working out tough, your muscles are extremely challenged and are in need of recovery. To encourage a healthy process of repairing, your body requires plenty of amino acids, one of the reasons why a lot of athletes take in protein after exercise to provide nutrition for speedy recovery. Taking in proteins shortly after a workout is furthermore associated with a decrease in muscular soreness and overall fewer medical visits.


Protein not only repairs the damage done to the muscle fibres but also promotes muscle growth at the same time and the reason, why so many bodybuilders watch their protein diet closely. For muscle repair and steady growth, such athletes are required to take in almost 50 percent more than the average person, who requires about 0.74 grams of protein per kilo of their body weight. For that reason, people who are looking to build some muscle mass are recommended up to 1.7 grams of protein per kilo of bodyweight, hence a 75kg bodybuilder should have a protein intake of about 114 grams per day. To help you figure out the amount of protein in cooked meat to help you fix your dinner tonight, there are roughly 7 grams of protein contained in 30 grams of chicken meat, which means an 85-gram piece of breast provides about 21 grams of protein.


A lot of athletes feel they do not get enough protein from their diet alone and turn to supplements such as protein shakes or bars after exercise to get the recommended intake to help them reach their fitness goal. If you are looking for a supplement that helps you build extra muscles fast, Gold Standard Whey is the perfect protein supplement to turn to. Whey is a protein that is digested easily by most people and the popular powder comes in various delicious flavours such as Cookies & Cream, Rocky Road or Vanilla Ice Cream. Mixed with your preferred beverage, Gold Standard Whey is a prime choice for post-workout protein shakes. The high-quality product benefits from added branched chained amino acids to help boost your internal protein production and enables you to recover faster from workouts.


If you don’t feel like mixing yourself a shake but are out for a protein boost on the go that is densely packed with nutrition, high in fibre and protein but low in carbs and does not come as a sugary treat in disguise, look no further. Quest bars are the protein bars to turn to not only for their reputation of being the best tasting protein bars on the market but because of their convenience. Quest bars are small and can be consumed quickly by active people who lack the time for extensive meal planning. Contrary to shakes, these protein bars do not require measuring and mixing but can be eaten on the go by athletes who are given the choice between delicious flavours such as Apple Pie, Cinnamon Roll or White Choc Raspberry.

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The Best Supplements for Weight Gain

Effective Tips To Lose Baby Weight After Pregnancy

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The Lifting Pusher is on The Rise Wed, 24 Oct 2018 14:14:34 +0000 /?p=1299 The Australian Trucking industry has experienced significant growth in the past few years with leading global brands scrambling to secure a stake of the market. The New and Used Truck...

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The Australian Trucking industry has experienced significant growth in the past few years with leading global brands scrambling to secure a stake of the market. The New and Used Truck landscape as well as sales of truck spares has risen exponentially due to heavy investment in the trucking industry Down Under. The distance of Australia from the main trucking production centres has led the leading truck and bus manufacturers to establish vehicle assembly, truck parts service centres in major locations around the country so as to support the growing demand.

The Lifting Pusher

Heavy commercial vehicles come in various sizes and have a wide range of wheel configurations. If you have ever paid close attention to a heavy commercial truck with multiple sets of wheels, you may have noticed that not all the wheels touch the ground at the same time. There is often a set of tyres that is raised above the ground unless the truck is fully loaded. This set of suspended tyres is referred to as a lifting axle. A lifting axle is an extra set of tyres that are used to balance out the weight of a truck when the payload exceeds a set tonnage.

When a truck has a light payload, the axle is lifted off the ground so as to save on fuel consumption and tyre wear as well as improve the maneuverability of the truck. Fuel economy basics teach that the more tyres you have on the road at a time, the more fuel your truck consumes.

Lifting axles are usually non-powered or ‘dead’ axles and their position in relation to the active or drive-train axle in a truck determines their name. A truck with lifting axles behind the drive-train axle is known as a Tag Axle while those with lifting axles in front of the drive-train axle are called Pushers.

Loading a heavy payload in a lifting pusher is easier than a tag axle because the extra weight in a pusher can be loaded into the centre of the truck while tag axles are located at the back of the truck and may not distribute the payload efficiently due to the overhang issues.

Lifting axles are very useful because most cargo trucks are only loaded to capacity more than half the time they are in operation. They often drive to a location empty, load and deliver a heavy cargo to its destination then drive back empty. In some cases, the cargo is not heavy enough to require the use of all axles. In these cases, the truck driver can push a button on the dashboard to lift the axle off the ground because it is not needed.

Another benefit of a lifting axle is that the truck owner can take advantage of the regulatory benefits of having a truck that can switch from 4X2 to 6X2 wheel configurations on demand. Australia recently passed some strict laws concerning heavy trucks restricting the allowable weight per axle. This is one of the regulations that have been praised for increasing the market demand for lifting axles Down Under. This way the truck owner can take both heavy and light jobs without having to worry but switching out trucks.

Most modern trucks are equipped with an interactive digital control panel mounted on the dashboard that monitors the trucks weight and either lowers the lifting axle automatically or alerts the driver to initiate the action depending on the settings laid out by the truck operators. It is advisable for the lifting axle to be lowered when the truck is being loaded and then raised before driving off in case it not needed. Some trucks have a manual mechanism to lower the lifting axle that is operated from outside the truck to prevent the driver from lifting and lowering the axle while driving.


Lifting pusher trucks are quickly gaining popularity in Australia due to their adaptability and versatility making it suitable for a wide range of applications. More and more truck producers are bringing their pushers to the country to capitalize on the high demand for this type of truck with Hino and DAF leading the way. This newly found national interest in pushers is a perfect example of how a restrictive policy can lead to the development and growth of a market solution where a niche product can become a household name.

Finally, with so many players in the Lifting Pusher Truck field, the customers will benefit from the competition of the truck suppliers. Truck spare parts will be readily available the major cities of the country along with high-quality vehicle service.

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Hino Growth Continues in 2018

Some Of The Most Commonly Requested American Truck Parts In Sydney

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The Best Supplements for Weight Gain Wed, 17 Oct 2018 10:17:27 +0000 /?p=1284 People start exercising for a plethora of reasons: to lose excess weight, to tone muscle, to attain a feeling of general well-being, and even as a means of de-stressing after...

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People start exercising for a plethora of reasons: to lose excess weight, to tone muscle, to attain a feeling of general well-being, and even as a means of de-stressing after a long day. In addition to that, more and more individuals are hitting the gym in a bid to gain some weight. Contrary to popular belief, weight gain is not always bad. Sportspeople (especially those involved in contact sports) usually have diets and exercise regimens that not only increase their strength, but their masses as well. However, weight gain is not only for the people looking to improve their athleticism; weight gain can also improve one’s aesthetic by making them look more muscular and healthier.

When looking to gain weight, it is often a better strategy to gain more muscle mass than body fat. This is because increasing body fat usually results in adverse health effects in the long run. However, gaining muscle, though more rewarding, is usually harder. Your diet, exercise and lifestyle must all be oriented towards your goal of gaining weight. If these alone are not giving you maximal gains, then dietary supplementation may be an option worth considering.

While quite a bit of controversy still surrounds diet supplementation, it is clear, through numerous researches, that adding calories and proteins to your regimens can really propel you towards your goals. This does not mean that all supplements in the market are good for you, or that they are all even necessarily safe. However, great quality supplements can go a long way in helping you attain your weight and health goals. This article is thus directed towards guiding you towards the right supplements, so that you not only gain weight reliably, but also in a healthy way.


Protein Supplements

Gaining muscle mass is the best way to gain weight. Not only is it reliable, it is also healthy and generally beneficial to your well-being. Since proteins are the building blocks for muscles, you must ensure that your protein intake is optimal. However, it is worth noting that research has shown that increasing protein through supplementation only helps increase muscle mass in exercising adults whose daily protein intake is below the recommended threshold. Thus, if you are already consuming about 1.4-2.0 grams/kg of protein in your regular diet, protein supplements may not greatly improve your growth.

However, if you are not getting enough protein in your diet, then a protein supplement such as Quest Bars or Gold Standard Whey can help you increase muscle and thus gain weight. Of importance to note is that for your body to adequately utilise proteins, you are also required exercise regularly and also take in adequate calories daily.



Creatine is an organic compound found naturally in muscle cells. It is important in production of energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate and has been used a supplement by bodybuilders for many years. Creatine helps by improving muscle performance during exercise, as well as increasing strength. While many people have questioned the safety profile of this ubiquitous supplement, innumerable researches have shown that it is not only safe, but also very effective when one is looking to gain muscle mass.


Mass Gainers

One cannot simply talk about supplementing weight gain without venturing into the topic of weight gainers. These compounds are high calorie supplements that contain up to 252 grams of carbs and 50 grams of proteins in one serving. That means you will be taking in more than 1000 calories per serving of these mass gainers. They are usually made into shakes that can be drunk pre- or post-workout or even throughout the day. Mass gainers function similarly to eating a caloric surplus in your daily meals. It is however important to note that while weight gainers can be used to supplement daily diets, they are not better than actually increasing your intake of real food.


Exercise enhancers

Compounds or products that help you exercise harder and more efficiently may help you gain weight when coupled with good diet and/or an appropriate supplement. Caffeine (usually infused in shakes), citrulline and beta alanine are just a few of these exercise-enhancing supplements. They help you exercise harder (caffeine) and improve muscle perfusion (citrulline) and thus increase gains.

While all these supplements can help you make the gains you are aiming for, you should always ensure to consult your healthcare provider, your trainer (if you have one), as well adhere to the guidelines provided by the manufacturer. This will ensure that you get maximum benefits from whatever supplement regimen that you decide to use. All these plus more quality and genuine supplements can be found and bought from various certified stores and be used to propel your weight gain in the right way.

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Best Supplements for Weight Loss

Effective Tips To Lose Baby Weight After Pregnancy

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Why You Have So Many Unpaid Invoices Mon, 24 Sep 2018 15:36:08 +0000 /?p=1243 Strong cash flow is essential for a business no matter what size, as it is the lifeblood of the organization and determines the companies overall financial performance. If the business’...

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Strong cash flow is essential for a business no matter what size, as it is the lifeblood of the organization and determines the companies overall financial performance. If the business’ liquid assets are increasing, there is the opportunity to not only settle debts but being able to reinvest, pay expenses and put money aside for future financial challenges.


Despite the importance of positive cash flow, a lot of companies fail to generate enough cash to stay liquid by having a critical number of unpaid invoices, a financial loss which might threaten to slow the operating business down eventually. While it is easy to blame it on the customer who failed to pay on time, it is often not their fault but the business owners. Even though the financial department has sent out invoices after invoices, called the manager or announced outsourcing the receivables to a debt collection agency, the reason why some businesses are still waiting for their invoice to be paid is probably that they themselves give the customer reason to delay the payment.


A lot of customers prioritize one invoice over another and we have put together helpful tips for your accounts receivable process to pay attention to before the invoice leaves the finance department. If you follow these improvements, this might be the way to get the customer to pay your bill faster and keep your invoices at top of the stack.



Check your invoice format. Maybe your customer has given you a template to use that your finance department forgot and now it is hard for the customer to have your invoice approved on their end, as the wrong formatting cannot be fed into their system. Always make sure your invoice fits the customer’s requirements. By using the right format, the customer is able to approve payment more quickly.



The invoice has left your financial department too late, making it impossible for the customer to pay on time. Do not spend too long to create and deliver an invoice. Instead, hand the bill over quickly in order to leave the customer plenty of time to pay you within terms.



Your competitors offer incentives for early payment and your business doesn’t. Think about a percentage on the next invoice to get paid the full amount and on time. By offering incentives you give the customer a pleasant reason to work with you again.



The information on your invoice is incorrect or incomplete, hence the customers accounting department needs to get in contact with you to finalize the payment. As this extra step might take you down the priority list, make sure you always double check for correct and complete information.



The customer has simply forgotten about your invoice, as you did not follow it up in a timely matter. This is why it is advisable to communicate regularly with the customers. Communication will not only help you to build a better relationship with the customer but improve your own work by learning what needs to be done to improve the way your invoices are handled to get paid on time.


All of the above matters might be reasons why your invoice sinks to the bottom of the stack. By eliminating such obstacles and taking a close look at every step of your current debt collection process you will most likely increase the possibilities to get paid earlier. Another helpful tip is to invest in an accounts receivable management software. This tool not only allows you to save customised templates which will be helpful for future invoices, this way your entire finance team is able to access all important documents easily to communicate effectively with customers regarding an invoice or dispute.

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At What Point In Setting Up A Business Should You Seek Advice On Debt Collection?

Consequence of Neglecting Debt Recovery

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4 Essential Pool Maintenance Tips Sat, 25 Aug 2018 06:56:31 +0000 /?p=1182 In the movies, there’s always a hot pool boy, ready and willing to keep your swimming area spotless, and provide related services. In real life, you might have a pool...

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In the movies, there’s always a hot pool boy, ready and willing to keep your swimming area spotless, and provide related services. In real life, you might have a pool service, but you probably do most of the cleaning yourself. If you’re a netizen, you might even have a digitised pool maintenance regime. Basically, you can install a control post next to the swimming pool, link it to your home WiFi, and synchronise it with your phone.

On the phone (or tablet or laptop), you can install a pool care app like Connect My Pool, Pool Pal, or Pool Doctor. These apps work with your digital pool box, allowing you to programme a pool robot, switch on the pool lights, heater, pump, pool cover, and more. You can do this from anywhere – the back yard or the moon – as long as your phone has internet access, and as long as your home WiFi extends to the pool. Pool apps work on home spas too. Whether you’re using a smartphone or something more analogue, here are 4 essential pool care tips.


Go go gadget pool cleaner

A robotic pool cleaner can seem like a really fun toy, but it’s pretty handy too. Some models come with self-drive and self-park options. This means you can use your phone to instruct the robot to get inside the pool, do a deep clean, remove itself from the pool, and get back into its parking spot. This can be done even when you’re not physically on the premises.

The pool robot does the same cleaning you would do by hand, so if you don’t have one, use a pool vacuum or pool brush to clean the floor and sides of the pool. This gets rids of any dust, debris, or filmy layers accumulated at the bottom or walls of the pool. This process – by machine or hand – prevents algae from building up on your pool’s surfaces, and you need to do it once a week or so.


Get rid of surface dirt

Dirt beneath the water isn’t as easy to spot, even when your pool is calm and clear. However, surface dirt is an eyesore and can attract pests. If leaves or twigs stay on the water too long and start to rot, they can attract flies and other insects. They overwork your pool skimmer and can spread disease-bearing germs in the water. Plus, it just looks bad.

Once a day, give the pool a once over with a skimmer pole. Just pick out the leaves and sticks. You should also empty and rinse the skimmer basket once a week. If your poolside is particularly ‘woodsy’ or if your neighbourhood has frequent breezes and elaborate landscaping, consider a pool cover. It could be a basic leaf cover or something automated and solar-powered. Some pool covers can be opened and shut using your smartphone pool app.


Review pool chemicals

All pools use chlorine – even mineral pools and salt-water pools. The difference is in the amount and type. For example, salt-water pools use cartridges to convert salt into liquid chlorine and back in a perpetual cycle. This means it uses far less chlorine powder than a regularly chlorinated pool. Mineral pools rely more on magnesium chloride, silver ions, copper ions, and borates, with just a dash of actual chlorine.

Other chemicals in your pool include algaecides, cyanuric acid, calcium, bromine, muriatic acid, and calcium hypochlorite. And yet, even with all these chemicals, you want your pool pH to settle around 7.2, the pH of fresh potable water. This means you should routinely test the chemical levels and adjust them accordingly. You can do this on your phone as well, though you’ll have to physically restore the right pH.


How deep is your pool?

Before we get pools of our own, we assume the only issue with any pool is chlorine. In reality, the pH is far more important, and it’s a cumulative figure based on all the pool chemicals you’ve used. So if swimmers feel an itch, burn, or redness in their eyes, it’s because of the pool pH, not the chlorine volumes in the pool.

Shocking the pool can usually resolve this, but first, you should check alkalinity and acidity then correct as necessary. At the same time, check how much water is in the pool. Too much evaporation could destroy the pool filter, and might indicate a leak that needs repairing. Pool covers are great for minimising the pace of evaporation – and they cut down your heating bill too – so consider putting one in.


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Looking After Your Pool Through The Seasons

How to Make Your Pool Unique

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My Favourite Freestanding Wood Heaters Sat, 25 Aug 2018 03:54:26 +0000 /?p=1177 I love the rustic charm of freestanding wood heaters; it reminds of my childhood. On those cold winters, dad used to get us kids involved in lighting the fire and...

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I love the rustic charm of freestanding wood heaters; it reminds of my childhood. On those cold winters, dad used to get us kids involved in lighting the fire and we would all sit around and bask in the warmth; even the family dog Max would get involved. So, when I finally became a homeowner, a freestanding fireplace was always one of the first things on my list to buy. When I was shopping around for a wood heater I was amazed at the range of different styles that were available – and so I thought I would write this post and share with you some of my favourites.

Lopi Endeavour

Lopi produces some of the finest fireplaces on the market. They have been in the game for a very long time and there is a reason for it. Their fireplaces a crafted to the highest standard and all the moving parts work seamlessly. Not only are they of quality construction, they look great. They have what you would call a timeless appeal. What I love about the Lopi is that it combines efficiency, quality craftsmanship, and style, all in the one package. The Lopi Endeavour has a beautiful gold trimming around the viewing panel that adds a touch of elegance and it is definitely one of my favourite free-standing fireplaces on the market.

The Potbelly

It’s hard not to love a potbelly stove. They have been aptly named as the bulge in the middle resembles a fat man’s stomach. For nostalgic reasons, I have included the potbelly on my list. They may not be the most efficient of wood heaters, but if you want to add some rustic charm to your dwelling, the pot belly is the free-standing wood heater for you. They come in a range of styles but essentially have one thing in common – and that’s their signature bulge in the middle. They are deal for the holiday home or the cabin in the woods.

Lopi Republic

Yes, another Lopi on the list. The Lopi Republic combines all the elements that make Lopi great, such as efficiency and quality craftsmanship, and packages them in a beautifully designed, timeless piece of ornamental greatness. The Republic combines the classic appeal of a freestanding heater with the functionality of cooktop. It’s a great unit if you’re after a cooking surface as well.

Jotul F3

Jotul is renowned for their unique freestanding fireplaces. The F3’s classic stylings and brilliantly designed looking glass set it apart from the rest of the field. It’s a great fireplace for those looking for something a bit different, something a bit special, that will have your guests intrigued by the beauty as they relax around the fireplace. It looks great and is of solid construction – and that is why it makes the list.

Jotul F105

Now, this Jotul is a bit quirky. It looks like the future’s past. The Jotul F105 is shaped like an old television set and has a rounded looking glass. It kind of reminds of the Jetsons or of what someone from the 1960’s would have imagined the future of fireplaces to look like. I’d even go as far to say that it’s a bit of an art piece or collector’s item with its second function to provide warmth for your household. The Jotul F105 is a real head turner.

Lopi Liberty

Yes, another Lopi. You’re probably wondering why there are so many Lopi fireplaces on this list. Well in all my research (and I did a lot) Lopi fireplaces are a cut above the rest. The Liberty is the big bertha of the range and can handle 24-inch logs, so you can keep that fire burning all night long. The Liberty is a beautiful fireplace with an enchanting gold trim around the looking glass and all mechanical parts move and lock into place smoothly. This can even be installed in mobile homes, which is a bonus for the grey nomads who want to add some homely features to their house on wheels.

Malm Freestanding Fireplace

The people at Malm must have been watching a lot of Star Wars when they designed this unique yet oddly beautiful fireplace. The fireplace resembles Darth Vader’s helmet! I’ve been a Star Wars fan since I was a kid and my eyes lit up when I saw this fireplace while doing my research. I probably would have bought this one if the wife would have let me. Unfortunately, when you get married sometimes you have to compromise. But when I get my man cave, this will be the first purchase on my list.

These are just a few of my favourite freestanding fireplace, but there are so many great fireplaces on the market. I can think of about 20 more that could have made the list. Making my final decision was a tough one but I finally went with the Lopi Republic as it ticked all the boxes.

Read Also:

Tips For Keeping Your Fireplace And Fire Clean

The Benefits of More Frequent Professional Cleans Over Winter

The post My Favourite Freestanding Wood Heaters appeared first on Expert Zine.

Hino Growth Continues in 2018 Thu, 23 Aug 2018 04:36:08 +0000 /?p=1174 Hino Motors is a company that originated in Japan in the early twentieth century and has grown steadily to command a significant presence in major regions all over the world....

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Hino Motors is a company that originated in Japan in the early twentieth century and has grown steadily to command a significant presence in major regions all over the world. Hino Motors has been setting up production and sales centres outside Japan since the 70’s and is now established in close to 20 countries, fuelling sales all over the world.

The company’s versatile approach and ease of innovation has enabled Hino to maintain a leading position in the truck production industry. Their conceptualisation and implementation of new strategies for sales and service delivery has made them one of the most sought after brands in the market. Their leadership is consistently devising plans to acquire a larger share of the truck market and it has been paying off.

In the 2014 financial year, the company managed to break its record in global unit sales, largely due to a large volume of sales in five foreign markets. Sales and Production have steadily been on the rise since 2014, with establishment of new factories and expansion of existing manufacturing facilities. In fact, the company was able to report a record high growth rate of 30% in the two years between 2014 and 2016.

Quality Assurance

All Hino vehicles are designed and built according to a set of three brand guiding principles namely, Quality, Durability and Reliability (QDR). To ensure these principles are met and maintained, every model goes through a rigorous testing exercise that pushes the vehicle to its limits. They check if it satisfies all three test categories and can perform successfully in real world conditions. All their engineering and innovation, research and development is backed up and supported by Hino’s parent company, Toyota.

In the Australian market, attention to detail and strong focus on the customers’ needs and preferences has led to unfounded success in the first six months of 2018. The company consistently served its clients well while expanding its product range, consequently acquiring 26.7% of the medium duty markets and 4.1% of the heavy duty.

Mr. Bill Gillespie – the company’s General Manager of Brand and Franchise Development in Australia – attested that a large contributor to the rapid growth of Hino sales in 2018 is the hard work and efforts of the teams at the company’s local dealership networks. The most dynamic and successful are two dealerships in Brisbane and Sydney, as well as a standalone unit in Melbourne.

One of the main driving forces of their success in the Australian market is their unique approach to customer care and sales. Selection and promotion of truck models that best suit the client’s needs – such as the 500 Series Wide Cab and the 300 Series 4X4 – has also boosted sales across the nation and plans are underway to introduce a new model vehicle in the market by the end of this year.

Hino Advantage

The Hino Advantage is a full range of support services offered to the client with the aim of reducing costs incurred over the vehicle’s lifetime.  The Hino Advantage product has been designed based on user preferences and challenges, and is a major contributor to the spike in sales in the region. These are some of the more popular services offered under the Hino Advantage banner.

Hino Traq

Hino Traq is a service that is designed for companies and individual owners who want to track and monitor the performance as well as activity of their vehicle. It is an efficient fleet management tool that can help you pinpoint the location of your truck in real time. It also allows you to monitor driver performance, fuel efficiency, and other fleet intelligence data that can greatly simplify the logistics and management of your business.

Truck Spare Parts and Service

Hino service gives you access to well trained technicians located at over sixty dealerships in various parts of the country ready to work on any challenge your truck may face while on the road. Hino service also extends to offer Road Side Assistance, an extended vehicle warranty and service agreements as well as capped price on service operations.

The truck service operations go hand in hand with parts distribution. Under the Hino Advantage program, every truck owner is availed access to genuine truck spare parts that are built according to Hino manufacturing standards. These genuine Hino truck parts come with a three year unlimited kilometre warranty if it is fitted by authorised dealers.

Financial Support

The Hino Advantage also offers a wide range of financial support services that are backed up by Toyota’s financial strength. These financing options are made available with the aim of helping clients to acquire trucks and grow their businesses. Financial support can be offered in form of a business vehicle loan or fleet financing which is based on the Toyota Fleet Management model.

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Some Of The Most Commonly Requested American Truck Parts In Sydney

Where To Shop For Japanese Truck Parts

Why You Should Buy Aftermarket Truck Parts

The post Hino Growth Continues in 2018 appeared first on Expert Zine.

Best Supplements for Weight Loss Fri, 27 Jul 2018 20:08:35 +0000 /?p=1137 Losing weight is one of those problematic things we have to deal with as we grow old. It becomes harder to maintain the lean, well-toned body, especially with current dietary...

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Losing weight is one of those problematic things we have to deal with as we grow old. It becomes harder to maintain the lean, well-toned body, especially with current dietary traits. In the fast paced world of today, most people find that they consume more fast food than they would like, purely due to the convenience of ordering in. This contributes heavily to improper weight gain, particularly in problem areas such as the thighs, back, and around the tummy. Foods such as fried chicken, French fries, and pastries such as cake and croissants, are mostly to blame.

Weight gain, coupled with the wave of health consciousness that is currently taking over Australia are the reasons why more people are looking to shed the extra kilos and exercise more. Exercise alone however cannot help you shed the weight, or maintain your preferred weight. It needs to be undertaken together with a radical dietary shift. This means healthy eating, focussing mainly on certain proteins, healthy carbs, and of course, vegetables and fruits. To help with weight loss, there are certain supplements that have been known to be highly effective. Here is a quick look at supplements that you should add to your weight loss diet:

Best Supplements for Weight Loss

Whey Protein

This is a one of those dietary supplements that gym rats swear by. However, it is important to note that whey protein does a whole lot more than just help with building huge muscles. Whey protein has been found to help with weight loss when incorporated into the diet, with results being as high as 5 kilos within a couple of months alone. People who drank one whey protein shake every day lost more weight than those that tried other sources of proteins such as soy protein shakes.

The way the whey protein diet works is by both helping you build muscles while supressing your appetite as well. Muscle growth increases your body’s metabolism, and by extension, increases your ability to burn fat. By suppressing your appetite, your urge to eat unhealthy foods is also contained. Whey protein products such as Cellucor Whey are best consumed in tandem with an exercise routine. It could be as nonchalant as a long walk every day or a more intense cardio program.


This is actually a naturally occurring amino acid in the body. It is found abundantly in the muscles, helping repair them. This in turn helps you maintain a healthy tummy region while keeping your blood sugar stable.  The levels produced in the body are however not enough to contribute comprehensively to any weight loss endeavour. When taken as a supplement however, it helps with increasing glucose metabolism. This reduces the levels of excess glucose, which the body stores as fat.


Caffeine is known for that jolt of energy it gives at the start of the day. It has however been linked to a host of other benefits, including helping lower the risk of certain cancers, and of course, weight loss. The way this works, is that caffeine helps your body break down the large molecules through oxidation, for the body to use as energy. It also increases the level of activity in people, causing them to consume more energy. The more active they are, the better their body works to burn fat.

Green Tea Extract

To some, this sounds like one of those quack pitches that sell them false hope in the form of tea. This this extract, that could not be further from the truth.  Green tea extract however is an excellent supplement for anyone who is looking to lose some weight. It works by helping to increase the oxidation of fat, while also stimulating thermogenesis in brown adipose tissue (These are special fat cells that increase your metabolism). The key ingredient is the extract’s phytochemicals, particularly ECGC (epigallocatechin gallate). Studies have shown that when ECGC is taken in low doses, it helps increase your body’s fat oxidation by as much as 33%!

It should be noted though that this product does contain caffeine for those that may have some caffeine sensitivity.


This strange sounding supplement is a type of fibre that is found in the root of a certain plant called the Elephant Root. The way this works is that glucomannan has a high water absorption and retention rate. This then sits in your stomach for a while, ensuring that you feel full and therefore consume less food. It has been found to be highly effective, especially when combined with healthy eating habits. People have been known to lose as much as 3 to 5 kilos in as little as 5 weeks. Other benefits of this supplement include helping lower blood sugar, cholesterol, and helping in alleviating constipation.

People embarking on a glucomannan diet should know that it can cause bloating and flatulence.


This is another fibre that has been known to help with weight loss. It is also called shark cartilage, and comes from the exoskeletons of crustaceans and insects. The research on chitosan is still not concrete, but studies have shown that people who had consumed it twice a day with food had a lower BMI and a lower body fat level as well. They also had fewer occurrences of flatulence and bloat. It should be noted however that this is not a magical answer to all your weight loss questions, but instead works just like any fibre, and increases metabolism while keeping you fuller for a longer time.

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The Latest News from Volvo about Their Trucks Fri, 27 Jul 2018 15:11:04 +0000 /?p=1130 2018 has been a good year for Volvo trucks, though the good run started towards the end of last year. In November 2017, Volvo was awarded the Sustainable Truck of...

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2018 has been a good year for Volvo trucks, though the good run started towards the end of last year. In November 2017, Volvo was awarded the Sustainable Truck of the Year 2018, which was a pre-season boost for truck sales. The prestigious Italian award was issued on November 7th, during a ceremony at the Rimini Ecomondo Exhibition, and the awarded Volvo model was FH LNG in the category of tractors.

The focus of the first-prize win was low impact on climate and superior energy efficiency. It runs on biogas and natural gas, but offers the same power as a diesel truck. The natural gas version of the truck cuts emissions by 20% while the biogas model has the potential to eliminate emissions completely, offering a 100% reduction rating for carbon dioxide. From there, Volvo has achieved much more in terms of technology.

Better batteries, happier drivers

As much as vehicular efficiency matters, Volvo knows most accidents are caused by driver fatigue. This means no matter how good a truck is, an unhealthy driver can still lead to fatalities. That’s why in December 2017, it improved its battery system with an aim to improve driver comfort. Many of the cabin features that ease the driver’s experience also eat into the battery. This includes HVAC, music, and USB charging for laptops and phones.

The new batteries for Volvo FH and FM trucks have extended life, so drivers can flip on all their favourite pampering functions without worrying that the battery will wind down and stop the truck, or compromising its ignition ability after a break. Volvo achieved this by segmenting battery functions and circuits. One side is strictly for truck ignition, and the other feeds the radio, internal heating/cooling, plus other truck cabin systems. Volvo also installed a gel power for the batteries. It’s way more efficient than lead power.

Safety, electricity, and robotics

The higher ups at Volvo feel strongly that switching to electric trucks will reduce urban traffic and cut down noise pollution. The plan is to introduce electric Volvo trucks to Europe in 2019. So far they released their first fully electric truck in April 2018. This Volvo FL is mainly intended for refuse disposal and urban use. It runs on between 2 and 6 lithium batteries, with a 2-hour DC fast charge option and a 10-hour AC overnight charge cycle. Volvo launched the FE three weeks later. It charges faster and has higher gross weight.

In their continued efforts to improve safety, Volvo has also developed digital interfaces between its cars and trucks, allowing them to communicate with each other on the roads. It’s called Connected Safety, and its cloud-based system passes information on road hazards further along the road, warning other Volvo drivers along on same route. Volvo car company and Volvo truck company are run independently, but they share safety protocols.

Better steering options

This feature facilitated the joint road safety system. Alerts are triggered by any Volvo turning on its hazards. It was launched in May this year, and will be activated throughout Sweden and Norway before year’s end. It comes inbuilt on all new Volvo V and XC and 60s and 90s, as well as XC 40 and S90. Volvo trucks also use adaptive cruise control and automated braking to maintain safe driving distances between your truck and the car in front.

Then in June, Volvo announced improvements to its dynamic steering, an innovation that has already won multiple safety awards. It already offers stability in directional driving, enhanced driver comfort, and improved manoeuvring. Now Volvo has linked its Dynamic Steering to Stability Assist and Lane Keeping Assist. The systems work through cameras, sensors, and rotational speed monitors.

No skids and low vibrations

They collaborate to spot potential driving problems and correct them before you’ve consciously acknowledged them or even realised there’s a problem. They can lane-correct and avoid skids by vibrating slightly and altering the driver of changes or shifts they should make. It also lets you adjust the resistance levels of your steering wheel to suit your driving style, strength, and physical dimensions.

Dynamic steering automatically reduces vibration and kick on uneven roads, reducing resistance up to 75% for low-speed driving. This is useful for tricky manoeuvring and reversing out of tight corners. The steering re-adjusts as soon as it senses the driver’s steering wheel grip has eased, suggesting their tension has passed. At higher speeds, hydraulics help drivers retain direction, even if the roads are poor and the winds are strong. Volvo has also included a Dynafleet function, for fleet management across devices.

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Some Of The Most Commonly Requested American Truck Parts In Sydney Fri, 27 Jul 2018 07:04:11 +0000 /?p=1126 When you buy a CAT truck, you earn a lifetime worth of bragging rights. It’s one of the best known trucks in the world, which is probably why you bought...

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When you buy a CAT truck, you earn a lifetime worth of bragging rights. It’s one of the best known trucks in the world, which is probably why you bought it. After all, the more popular your vehicle is, the easier it should be to find parts for it, right? Well, that’s not necessarily the case. For example, Toyota is probably the best-selling car in the world, and its spares are everywhere. Mercedes and BMW are pretty popular too, but their costly parts often have to be imported directly from their manufacturers.

Still, the trucking industry in Australia is quite vibrant, so you can find the right parts for your vehicle, as long as you know where to look. Aftermarket suppliers are a god place to start, but don’t just go to any shop that has ‘truck spares’ in its banner. Look for the type of aftermarket supplier that deals directly with original manufacturing plants. This means you get genuine new parts at far friendlier prices. Here are some CAT parts that are regularly sought by truckers and fleet managers in Sydney.

Braking systems

In any car, the brakes are a matter of life and death, literally. Trucks carry a lot of weight even when they’re ambling down the road, so it’s essential that they have solid brakes. On average, truck brakes need replacement every 80,000km, but individual brake parts can be swapped out as necessary in the interim. Since your truck is imported, you may be unsure of Aussie CAT expertise or maintenance equipment.

For that reason, many drivers and fleet managers prefer to do their own maintenance. That means for every CAT that arrives, someone will buy a brake tune-up kit. They might also ask for a repair kit. Other braking kits include actuator kits and power cylinder kits. Of course it’s not always maintenance tools that are required. Sometimes, the CAT owner wants individual brake parts like diaphragms, linings, pistons, housings, and clutch components.

Engine parts

Similarly, a CAT engine requires attention when it’s not on the road, so there are frequent requests for engine overhaul kits. These orders don’t typically come from drivers. They’re more likely to be used in a private garage, especially for corporate maintenance of a CAT fleet. These foundational CAT engine kits depend on which part of the engine is being repaired. There are distinct kits for electricals, marine portions, and fuel systems.

Quick tip: Americans often say ‘gas’ when they mean ‘petrol/diesel’ so if you want a kit for your truck fluids, look for one labelled Oil and Gas. Apart from an overhaul kit, some garages require a rebuild kit. This is mainly for refurbished CATs and restoration jobs. In both cases, they are likely to need specific engine parts like camshafts, flywheels, gears, cylinder heads, oil pans, and gaskets. For repairs on the fuel system, there are calls for pumps and springs.

Trust your mechanic

With any truck or car, you need a reliable technician. It’s not just about his or her skills. You also need to build up trust. Many drivers have horror stories of taking their vehicles for servicing only to have it break down a few weeks later, despite newly replaced parts. At some garages, the practice is to take a functioning car, swop out its parts for duds, then sell the parts to a different driver.

After all, if you took your car for a brake check, you’re unlikely to look too keenly at your wipers, so you wouldn’t know if they’ve been replaced. One driver went to the extent of discreetly marking his car parts with nail varnish. When he came to pick his car, he noticed his ‘new’ parts had no varnish even though he hadn’t asked for any of them to replaced. This is not a risk you want to take, so find the right parts supplier, and hire an honest mechanic.

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