Devran Celik – Expert Zine Thu, 15 Nov 2018 11:01:41 +0000 en-AU hourly 1 Devran Celik – Expert Zine 32 32 Cleaning Tips for the Christmas Holidays Tue, 05 Dec 2017 05:53:21 +0000 /?p=857 It’s the Christmas season, and while cleaning probably isn’t on the top of your to-do list, it is something you need to do, especially if your home is the *designated...

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It’s the Christmas season, and while cleaning probably isn’t on the top of your to-do list, it is something you need to do, especially if your home is the *designated Christmas destination* this year.

It’s now or never, time to stand up, grab your cleaning products and get your house into shape for your guests. After all you want to work in and provide a nice clean space for all your guests.


If you haven’t already started, there will be a lot of activity going on in your kitchen – all that cooking and baking, it’s one of the busiest rooms in your house, and it’s one of the rooms that gets dirty – fast! To start, work at the highest point in the room and work your way down.

  • Clean the outside of your kitchen cabinets
  • Clean your back-splash or walls with warm soapy water or a 50/50 mix of vinegar and water solution
  • Clean your fridge, do it now before it becomes full of Christmas food, wine and beer. Take out all the food and bottles, check use-by dates and throw out anything that is past or is near its best-before date. Clean and organise your shelves, and then clean the outside of your fridge.
  • Clean any dirt and grime from your stove and stove top
  • Clean all the benchtops – remove EVERYTHING, wipe and then tidy up, you may find you have cleared some space!
  • Sweep and wash your floors

Spare room/guest room

If you are set to have overnight or more *long-term* house guests go through the room thoroughly and get it ready. Dust the room from top to bottom, vacuum the floors thoroughly (after all you may not have set foot in this room for weeks), clean the windows, make the bed with nice fresh, clean sheets. If the room has become a *dumping ground* take the time to put things away properly, have a sort out, throw away anything you no longer need.

Why not make up a little *guest basket* – just add to the basket a few little things you think will help them feel more welcome and relaxed. A bath towel, hand towel, face washer, new tooth brush, toothpaste, hand lotion, soaps, even some shampoo.

Living room/family room

With the upcoming holidays it’s time to give this room a full and proper clean – it’s time to dust and vacuum, and clean the windows. Take the time to move some of the furniture out of the way and vacuum under tables and chairs.

Games Room

If you have a games room in your home, or you have a designated bar area, it’s time to give it the once-over. Rooms like this are going to be very popular, especially with your male guests, standing around, having a beer, playing pool. If you have any spills, fingerprints etc. it all needs to go. Check glasses for dust and wash anything that is looking *grubby*. Vacuum or mop your floors and give the bar a good wipe over – you can use warm water, warm soapy water or a 50/50 mix of vinegar and water, it all depends on how dirty/sticky your bar has become. Make sure you have lots of coasters on hand for your guest to use, nothing looks worse on a bar than all those left behind *glass rings*

  • Remove any dirty dishes
  • Look for any leftover food scraps
  • Clean the inside and outside of the bar fridge
  • Top up the bar with beer and wine


Generally, bathrooms don’t take long to clean, especially if you have a *half bathroom* downstairs that all your guests will be using.

  • Fill the hand basin with some warm soapy water, and just a drop of dishwashing liquid (you don’t need much) – use a sponge or cleaning rag to wipe over the walls and outside of any cabinets
  • Drain the sink and then clean it with your regular cleaner
  • Clean the toilet – the top of the cistern, the sides and underneath, when you clean the bowl, also clean outside the bowl and around the bottom edges
  • Mop and clean your floor

These are some of the most popular spaces that will be in use during the Christmas holidays, and once you get these done, you are ready to start decorating and cooking and counting down the days till Santa arrives.

If you are too busy doing these things, contact with a professional cleaning company for this Christmas holiday!

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Avoid These Five Training Mistakes in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Mon, 04 Dec 2017 01:30:29 +0000 /?p=848 Your Brazilian Jiu Jitsu training is a challenge to both body and mind. As you develop physical strength and endurance, you must also develop mental toughness. To avoid fatigue and...

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Your Brazilian Jiu Jitsu training is a challenge to both body and mind. As you develop physical strength and endurance, you must also develop mental toughness. To avoid fatigue and failure as you train and progress, watch for and adjust for these five training mistakes:

  1. Ego – Learn to accept defeat and don’t let your ego stand in your way. You are a student, learn from your mistakes, make adjustments and move on to the next challenge. If you need to tap out, do so. Don’t sacrifice your safety because of your pride. Check your ego, you are training to develop your skills and to learn from your mistakes.


  1. Diet – Don’t underestimate the importance of a healthy balanced diet to support your training and provide energy during long sessions. You need a balance of lean proteins, complex carbohydrates and omega-3 fatty acids to build and repair muscle and provide the necessary nutrients for recovery. You will burn as many as 700 calories during your training sessions, feeding our body will maintain the energy levels you need to excel.


  1. Participate – Don’t be an observer, step up and participate and practice every move and hold and then practice. Learn the movements and watch how others move on the mat so that you can develop your personal style and technique.


  1. Force and Angles – Remember that Brazilian Jiu Jitsu was developed to help the smaller, weaker opponent defeat an opponent who is larger or stronger. To be successful you must understand how physical force, mechanical force and angle of approach allow you to prevail. Your BJJ technique must include proper body alignment and position to maximize your own force and approach as you minimize your opponent’s force and movement.


  1. Commit – Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is challenging and can be intense and occasionally painful. Stick with it, commit to completing your training and advancing through the training and skill levels. Don’t look for or make excuses to avoid class. If you are injured, don’t push yourself and risk further injury, now is the time to step back and observe and learn. Don’t let your training rule your life, learn to balance your personal life and your Brazilian Jiu Jitsu training.


To excel in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu requires practice and determination, but don’t forget to enjoy your training and your new BJJ family and friends. Occasionally reevaluate your reasons for training and assess your progress and your goals. Remind yourself why you got involved. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is physically and mentally challenging, but the rewards can far outweigh the demands.


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Fitness And Conditioning Through Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Mon, 04 Dec 2017 01:14:45 +0000 /?p=845 Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu or BJJ, As a Martial Art not only teaches practical self-defense, but also increases confidence and self-esteem. The goal of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is training that allows smaller and...

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Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu or BJJ,

As a Martial Art not only teaches practical self-defense, but also increases confidence and self-esteem. The goal of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is training that allows smaller and weaker people to combat and overcome larger and stronger opponents and is highly recommended for women of all ages and experience levels. But BJJ training is also an excellent approach for functional fitness and conditioning.

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu utilizes a variety of throws,

Takedowns, grappling and groundwork combined with joint locks applied to the arms, shoulders, and legs, and chokeholds that can be applied from many positions and using different parts of the body. The exercises and drills used during warm-up and training prepare your body for the challenging techniques that you will learn and practice during class. You will strengthen and tone muscle as you burn fat and learn to defend yourself.

BJJ class is challenging, exciting and fun.

You will build new muscle, burn stored fat, increase stamina and endurance, and you will find it one of the most effective fitness classes you could attend. During class you will move quickly through self-defense moves like take-downs, chokes, and arm and leg locks in addition to warm-up and cool-down activities to keep your heart rate in the fat burning cardio zone. The class requires constant movement and is great for conditioning and increasing endurance. Your BJJ Sydney class will also improve your flexibility, balance, and muscle coordination.

During class you will use muscles,

That you rarely use during the day, you’ll develop all major muscle groups along with those smaller muscles that you would not otherwise develop by lifting weights alone. Constant training and movement will increase your cardiovascular and endurance, while improving your agility, reflexes, and balance. You will also develop mental toughness as you train through discomfort and muscular fatigue and pain. You will learn to fight back when your back is against the wall and not be afraid to fight someone bigger than you.

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu class provides many more health and fitness benefits,

Than typical aerobic exercises like rowing, running or cycling. While the resistance you must overcome while rolling and grappling provides you with a solid, functional base for your core. You will also strengthen your abs, increase your muscle tone from head to toe, and reduce body fat while improving your balance, coordination, cardiovascular capacity and muscular strength and endurance.

Your BJJ training will prove to be engaging and fun,

Also promotes a healthy lifestyle and healthy choices. As a bonus, you will develop an overall positive outlook on life and your new found discipline and respect learned in class will carry over to all aspects of your life. Students who practice Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu are healthier, more fit, and tend to follow a healthy and balanced diet.

Practical self-defense.

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu will build your self confidence in your ability to protect yourself. The techniques taught in class will help you prepare for any type of altercation you may come across in daily life and where you must defend yourself, empowering you to be a more confident and independent person.

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How to Encourage your Shy Child to Play Outside More Sun, 26 Nov 2017 23:59:26 +0000 /?p=820 Social development is a very important part of growing up. That’s why most parents are anxious to encourage their children to start being socially active at the earliest time possible....

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Social development is a very important part of growing up. That’s why most parents are anxious to encourage their children to start being socially active at the earliest time possible. But not every child is a social butterfly; some stay in their cocoons a little while longer due to their shyness. When you have a shy child, it is important to nudge them to participate socially with love and care.

The biggest mistake that parents make when trying to ‘cure’ their child’s shyness is being too pushy about it. Shyness often stems from feelings of social anxiety. Forcefully pushing your child to play with others is similar to treating someone’s arachnophobia by pushing them into a room full of spiders. You will probably be worsening the situation by confirming their fears that social interactions are horrible and embarrassing. Nudge them in the right direction with love and subtlety.

One of the most effective ways of making your child more open to the idea of playing outside is to introduce them to other children on a singular basis. If you have a friend, or neighbour, with a similarly aged child, you can organise a play date. Playing with one person is easier for a ‘beginner’ than playing with a group of 20 kids. If they strike a rapport, your child might be more confident by venturing outside having already made a friend.

Another effective way of providing a safe space for your child to play outside is to organise for frequent family fun days in your yard or the local park. Your child is more likely to be more comfortable playing with their siblings and parents and with time, they will associate the outdoors with fun. With time, you can introduce other families to your extended family and let them get comfortable playing with their cousins. With time, they will be comfortable playing with other children.

You can also choose to create a fun environment in your home that will attract your neighbours’ kids. Children are more comfortable when they are approached with offers of companionship and friendship than when they have to do the approaching. Purchase group outdoor play sets, such as the Santa Maria playset which will increase your child’s popularity in the neighbourhood. This might just be the confidence boost that they needed to kick-start their social life.

If your child spends most of their time indoors watching TV or reading, find out what makes them happy and introduce it as an outdoors activity. If they love soccer on TV, buy them a soccer kit and a ball and let them loose in your backyard. With a little encouragement, you might find them joining other kids when they have a kick about. If your child likes music shows, take them to child-friendly shows and concert in your locality. Meeting other kids that share his/her passion is the best way for your child to form their initial friend group.

You can also make an effort to involve their teacher if they are already enrolled in preschool. Find out how your child interacts with others in different settings. You can even work on a two-pronged approach to gently encourage your child to be more interactive with their peers.

Most young children want to be made to feel important. You can take advantage of this enthusiasm to help by including them in your outdoor chores. Have them accompany you as you do some gardening or lawn mowing. Maybe after they spend a bit of time outdoors with you they can get the courage to play outside with others.

Take your child and a close friend to a playground, or install a play set in your yard. Try the Compact Double Swing which can hold two children. They can take turns playing on the swing, and as they play together, they can warm up to each other. As your child gets more comfortable, you can invite a neighbour or relative’s child to play with them. The play set acts as an icebreaker which holds their attention and distracts them from their unease.

The most important thing is to avoid labelling your child as ‘shy’. This gives them an excuse to avoid social interactions since they believe that they are meant to be permanently shy. Also, don’t panic, it just might be a phase that will end as time passes by. Most adults admit that they were much shyer earlier in life but are now well socially adjusted. Shyness is not the end of the world for your child. Be supportive and encouraging to your child.

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Fringes That Will Work in Summer Tue, 21 Nov 2017 02:07:34 +0000 /?p=779 Whenever summer rocks around, I get the overwhelming urge to do something awesome and bold with my hair. I think it’s that combination of knowing that I’ll be out heaps...

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Whenever summer rocks around, I get the overwhelming urge to do something awesome and bold with my hair. I think it’s that combination of knowing that I’ll be out heaps more often than usual, wearing far fewer clothes than winter, and wanting to really kick up my look a notch to stand out and just look as amazing as I can be.

Last summer I went fire engine red and got familiar with backcombing for that big, messy bed head look. The year before it was a pixie crop. This year I’ve decided that its time to get myself a cool fringe again, so it was time to delve into a bit of research.

A bit of a background in my hair, and a disclaimer. So, my hair is naturally what you would call a very light ash brown, wavy too curly, and quite thick. Whenever I find that I over process it with a colour, I’ll give it the chop and go darker, sometimes throwing in some extensions. The last couple of years I haven’t used heating elements like blow dryers or straighteners, just because I wanted to get my hair into great shape again, so scrunched and air dried a lot. And it is now in great shape. What that means is that I’m free to break out the heat again.

I’ve decided to go with the Ariana Grande school of thought this summer and give the micro bangs a whirl. Recently Ariana ditched her signature brunette pony and went platinum, and now she’s added some micro bangs to her look too. And. It. Look. So. Darn. Cute.

So, with the micro bangs look, the first thing that you have to know is that this needs your hair to be straight. If I had my natural and wavy with this style, it’d just look stupid. So it’s commitment if you don’t already have straight hair. The other thing to know about this look is that you need to go to a skilled hairdresser. If they do a blunt cut across the front of your forehead, you’ll probably end up in tears.

If you’re not so keen on micro bangs though, there are heaps of other styles that you can try out. If you have wavy hair like me and don’t want to be straightening every day, you can try out a layered side fringe, ala Nicole Ritchie. While she often wears her hair straight, a longer side fringe can work just as well, and you can go au naturel with your waves. This look works well no matter what colour or style the rest of your hair is, too.

A favourite of girls rocking the balayage brunette to blonde look in the long choppy fringe. If you’ve had your tousled beach hair Balayage worn without a fringe for a year or so, then it could be time to mix it up. Have a look at Behari Prinsloo’s hair for inspiration for this fringe cut. It’s below the eyebrows down to the eyes, so don’t go quite so long if this type of cut irritates you.

For long, mainly straight and not so layered hair, such as Jessica Biel, a long, sweeping side fringe is a very easy to wear style that won’t have you crying that the hairdresser messed up your hair or that you never should’ve got a fringe in the first place. This kind of fringe can be quickly put behind your ear or pinned back should you decide you don’t like it – it’s super easy to grow out.

One of the best things to do when considering getting a fringe is to go to your hairdresser for a consultation – not the cut itself. Head down there and have a talk about your options, flick through some pictures together, see what they think would suit you well and what you’d be comfortable with doing. Don’t commit to anything on the day, instead, go home and have a think about it and do a little more research yourself. If you do it this way, you can be sure of the decision that you’re making, before you dive in there and go for it.

So go ahead, start thinking about which fringe is going to be the best one for you this summer. I’m loving my Ariana micro fringe at the moment – and getting a lot of compliments on it too! And you know what they say, don’t you? Change is as good as a holiday.

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Choosing the Right Display System for your Christmas Event Tue, 14 Nov 2017 01:04:26 +0000 /?p=762 Christmas is fast approaching, and shops are decorating, stores are selling Christmas decorations, it’s time for you and your business to get into the holiday season. You might be wondering...

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Christmas is fast approaching, and shops are decorating, stores are selling Christmas decorations, it’s time for you and your business to get into the holiday season. You might be wondering how to do this? You want your banner to be about you – your business, product or service, you don’t want the banner to be about Santa, or to be mistaken for some other Christmas event or promotion.

The good news is, you can get your banner into the feel of Christmas, without losing your message. You want your banner to look and feel exciting, to encompass the whole Christmas spirit, but not be over the top. You can achieve this without adding Santa – try some subtle purples, white, red ribbons or bows, golds, greens and reds. It can be as simple as a red or gold bow in a corner, to some Christmas baubles along one edge.

Christmas is the time to add some sparkle and shine to your banners!

The last thing you want is your banner looking drab. If you are advertising a shopping centre – imagine how boring your standard banner will be when it’s in competition with the centre’s Christmas decorations, twinkling lights, sparkles, golds, greens, reds, silvers and glitter everywhere, you can’t compete, your message is *nothing new*, *nothing special* – Christmas is the time to shine, especially if your business revolves around a particular product. To market yourself you need to fit in, to look the happy and jolly part!

You want to attract customers!

If you haven’t updated your banner for a while, or the banner you are using is starting to look a little tatty and worn, now is the time for an upgrade! Not only will you be reaching out to the Christmas shoppers, your banner will be shiny and new, nice and bright and most importantly will be letting your customers know you are excited about the Christmas holidays.

Don’t worry about your competition, deck your banner with boughs of holly and enjoy the Christmas season with your customers. You can go *all out* and have a banner made specifically for a Christmas message – complete with Santa, presents, holly, ribbons and bows, wishing everyone a safe and merry Christmas and new year, or you can just add a touch of Christmas to your existing message.

It’s time to spread some Christmas Cheer!

It doesn’t matter if you are updating your banner for Christmas, or you are just in the market for some new advertising – here are the things you need to keep in mind when ordering a new banner.

  • DESIGN – people do enjoy looking at *pretty things* so make sure your banner is well designed after all the design is the *backbone* of your banner. If it has been poorly designed, you won’t be able to draw the attention of your audience.
  • BE UNIQUE – Banners come in different shapes, sizes and designs, if you want your banner to stand out why not opt for a banner that comes in a unique shape, rather than a standard shape?
  • READ – your banner should always be easy to read, you want a banner that gets results, so, apart from a well-designed banner, you want one that has a coherent message. You will be able to grab people’s attention if you have a compelling and readable message – and when you grab someone’s attention. You are half way to converting them into becoming a loyal customer.
  • PLACEMENT – Placement of your banner is just as important as its design. After all, if you have the world’s best banner, it won’t do you any good unless people can see it. Make sure you place your banner where it can be seen by lots of people.

If you want to have banners that work, and that grab people’s attention make sure you visit a professional banner design and printing expert.


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Why a New Shed is an Awesome Christmas Gift for Your Husband? Sun, 12 Nov 2017 22:26:22 +0000 /?p=755 What is hubs getting for Christmas this year? Have you decided yet? The struggle is real. And, you know, the more years that you have been married, the trickier than...

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What is hubs getting for Christmas this year? Have you decided yet? The struggle is real. And, you know, the more years that you have been married, the trickier than can decision can get. You probably have no idea what you bought him two years ago, let alone ten. So why not go for something truly original, something he isn’t going to expect in a million years?

Get your man a shed. This you owe to him – unless he’s been a naughty boy all year, in which case you should just give him coal because that’s all that he deserves.

Just picture it, your man wakes up on Christmas day and glances outside to see his brand, spanking, new shed. Well, that probably isn’t quite how it’s going to happen, unless you have the help of some serious overnight worker elves, or your husband doesn’t look out into the backyard often.

Sheds will take a little while to erect. You won’t just be able to pop it up overnight like you would do a tent. However, you can arrange a time and day for your shed to be professionally installed and tell hubs that it’s happening then (along with a picture of his future shed).

The other option is to turn it into your own DIY project – perhaps the two of you can work on building the shed over the course of a weekend. Can you think of anything more romantic? I think not.

So why is a shed an awesome Christmas gift?

Your husband isn’t very handy around the home or garden, you say? He doesn’t like that typically “manly” stuff? Well, a shed doesn’t just have to be for storing his tools, the lawnmower, etc. A shed can be for a totally different purpose Because who wouldn’t want their very own man cave?

If you don’t know what a man cave is, then the closest thing that I can liken it to is a treehouse or cubby house built just for him. Maybe it’s got an armchair in it, an old TV, and a DVD player with all his favourite Sci-Fi movies on hand. Maybe it’s got a little mini putter in so that he can practice his putting and improve his golfing game. Perhaps it’s got a small model railway in there. Who knows! Whatever your man loves doing solo (or sometimes with mates), his man cave can be the epicentre of it. A man cave is a place to escape the world. [I bet you are wanting your very own man cave by now, aren’t you!]

Getting your husband a shed for Christmas is also a great chance to give your old shed a mega cleanout before you get rid of it. People often have things stored in their sheds untouched for 10, 20, 30, 40 and even 50 years! Hopefully, you haven’t hoarded quite so much. If your husband asks why you’re going through the shed you can just say that you though a big clean up was well overdue – it is half the truth after all.

How can I pick out the type of shed that my husband would like without his input?

The trick here is to ask other husbands for their opinions – maybe close friends or family. They should be able to give you a bit of an idea about the size and shape of the shed that you should be looking at, and maybe even where you should place it in your garden. Sheds come in a huge range of sizes and designs so have a look closely at what’s available and what is going to best fit your space.

A shed is a cool present for the husband for Christmas. It’s a perfect Christmas gift for your dad as well. It’s thoughtful, it’s original, it’s useful, and it is going to be handy for years and years and years. If you jump onto it right now, you can browse around at the available shed designs and have something ready and shipped, just waiting for you to put up when Christmas comes around. It’ll be here before you know it – you’ve seen the decorations in the shops, right? So jump on board with the unique and large gift. Your husband will be telling stories about his Christmas present shed to his mates for years to come and you’ll get all the accolades!


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Christmas Gift Ideas 2017 Mon, 06 Nov 2017 00:54:48 +0000 /?p=740 The Christmas cheer is coming in! Surely, you have a dinner or a small gathering (or both!) already planned for that week. Would your gathering be a big one or...

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The Christmas cheer is coming in! Surely, you have a dinner or a small gathering (or both!) already planned for that week. Would your gathering be a big one or a small one with a few family friends and relatives over alongside your immediate family, will it be in the office after an all-nighter, or will you be spending it with someone special?

No matter how you may have ended up celebrating Christmas, there is usually an exchange of gifts in the end. Now how should you choose your gift? What if the exchange of gifts is random? What if it’s done by picking out a name from a fish bowl some days before the Christmas dinner? It’ll be a lot easier if you are just going to gift everyone at the party, but that could cost money and you may forget gifting one or two persons—which would be worrisome.

When it comes to gifting someone, always put in mind the perspective of your receiver. Would this be something he would end up using or something he would throw to the attic and forget it? Try to be as considerate of the receiver’s feelings. You’ll know the efforts are worth it when you see the smiling face of the receiver.


Something Useful

The safest way of gifting someone would probably be leaning toward items that could be used by a person no matter their age and gender. One example is office or school supplies, shelf organizers, or a water bottle. Many people often think of something grand or extraordinary, but you can actually stand out by gifting something the receiver could use in many ways. However, don’t overdo it and gift a set of pens or a pad of paper. Just imagine the broken heart of that little kid.

Christmas Gift Ideas- Night Lamp

Use a bit of your imagination. If your receiver is a girl, would she want a dark blue notebook? If he’s actually a little boy, would he find a journal useful? Consider gifting a pillow or a blanket. It could also be a white cap, a lampshade, or a night light.

If you do not have to consider the age, or all of you are young adults, gift something a little funny yet useful. Gift your receiver pillowcases or a pot holder. If you don’t think a little humour is advisable, gift your anonymous receiver shelf organizers, a set of air-tight containers, a photo album or a picture frame, or a statuette they could place on a shelf to make the cabinet attractive.


Coupons or Gift Cheques or Cards

If you absolutely have no idea or don’t have the time to do the gift shopping yourself, buy gift cheques your receiver could use when they would do their own shopping. Some stores sell them before the Christmas season at a price that is cheaper than the actual price the coupon is worth for, so look out on those discounts!

Christmas Gift Ideas- Gift Cards

While it is tempting to gift money instead of gift cards, gift cheques, or coupons, it’s still not advisable because it’s like telling your receiver you just don’t have the time to buy the gift at all. And it’s more fun to open a gift which has something worth looking at, instead of seeing dollars in an envelope while others have received gifts that the senders have put more thought and effort into.


Anything Edible

Some people would prefer to be gifted with something edible to keep the home free of clutter caused by having too many identical items. You can find an assembled basket of goodies at shopping centres or supermarkets. Do a little research on where you can buy these gift sets. Some of these would have to be purchased at the store, while some could be purchased online.

Christmas Gift Ideas- Edible Gifts

Some have a combination of wines and biscuits, some have teas and wines, and some have beers and nuts. You can also bring this basket over to the Christmas dinner with your friends or family, so you can share the items with them when you have a little drinking session after the children have been tucked in. Take this chance to catch up with one another and know more about the people you barely know.

If you are leaning towards gifting a basket with no alcohol, that’s fine too, if the exchange of gifts would involve just the adults, that is. Consider also gifting a pack of a particular food, such as a tin can of various biscuits or a pack of premium chocolates.



Some accessories come in styles that would not be particularly feminine or masculine. A couple of examples are a leather pouch or a metal credit card wallet. Take a stroll around shopping centers or flea markets. Look for an extra special ornament that any individual may appreciate being gifted with. How about a small antique-styled jewellery organiser, a desk organiser, or a wool scarf?

Christmas Gift Ideas- Christmas Gift Ideas- Antiques



Cosmetics don’t necessarily mean makeup. It refers to anything that improves the appearance of the body or the face. Some shops selling cosmetics sell skincare items that come in sets. If you are sure that your receiver is a woman and is someone who loves cosmetics, then choose the liquid which color is feminine and the scents are strikingly feminine. You can also consider gifting her a makeup set.

If you aren’t sure of the gender of your receiver, opt for skincare with minimal scent but would surely be nourishing to the skin, such as an olive oil variety. Ask for the opinion of the storekeeper if you’re confused about the benefits each item could offer. Smell the scent and consider if it is something acceptable to the receiver.

Christmas Gift Ideas- Christmas Gift Ideas-Cosmetics


Gadget Accessories

One of the things that any individuals would appreciate no matter their age and gender is accessories compatible with their gadgets, such as a Bluetooth speaker. If you’re not sure whether your receiver is an Android user or an iPhone user, make sure to check with the storekeeper whether the accessory is compatible with any gadget. Also, try the stock you are going to purchase before paying for it.

Christmas Gift Ideas- Christmas Gift Ideas-Gadgets Accessories

Ask the storekeeper if there is a gift stub available for when your receiver would have troubles with the item. The risk of not having the stub is having to give the receiver the receipt, which would mean he would see how much you paid for it and where you bought it. That would definitely spoil the surprise and could make things awkward.

You can be as creative as you want when it comes to gifting someone. The most thrilling part is not knowing who the receiver is and finding out the reaction of the receiver once he gets a hold of your present. Christmas is the time to make surprises, so you don’t have to be conventional when it comes to thinking of what to send as a gift.


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Christmas Gift Ideas for Him Sun, 05 Nov 2017 22:48:25 +0000 /?p=726 The holiday cheer is coming in. You have a party set for the holidays, and you want your gift to be extra special this year. What would be the best...

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The holiday cheer is coming in. You have a party set for the holidays, and you want your gift to be extra special this year. What would be the best gift for your boyfriend? Or your husband?

Contrary to the usual belief that men are only into gadgets and cars, men can appreciate a lot of other things. Some of them could be simpler than you thought. But first, look at what your bloke is into. Is he into pens? Watches? His mobile phone? His car? Is he into growing a beard? Is he a coffee lover? Is he a tea lover? Does he keep a journal?


If this bloke is someone who couldn’t work without an ample dose of coffee or tea in the morning and the afternoon, consider gifting him a basket containing different varieties of coffee beans and tea leaves. You can also gift him a stylish mug or a non-spill, convenient canister he could use when he needed coffee while driving.

Christmas Ideas for him- Caffeine



Wherever you are in the world, men would never turn down good beer, wine, and food. These three things, when combined, not only tone down the senses, but also open up people so it is easier to mingle with other people and meet new people. Bring in a basket of goodies or bring a good bottle of aged wine or a crate of beer on the day you have that Christmas get-together.

Christmas Ideas for him- Alcohol



If he is someone who likes good clothes, make an effort to look at which style he is into. Is he someone who likes casual clothes? Formal clothes? Is he someone who would always wear a suit? Is he someone who most likely wear a polo shirt, or a T shirt?

If he is a person who would most likely wear a business attire on any given day, consider gifting him cufflinks or a tie. If you would want to gift him a belt or a shirt, make sure you know what his sizes are or to ask the cashier for a gift stub he could use that to have the item exchanged if the size couldn’t fit.

Christmas Ideas for him- Apperal



There are men who kept a journal to keep track of their day and organize their thoughts. Take a peek at the end pages of his journal. Is he the kind of a journal user who prefers the papers are dotted, lined, or plain? Observe him while he is writing on the journal. Is he someone who would use colored pens or someone who would stick to one color? If he uses only one color, then does he prefer using a blue pen or a black pen?

If his journal is something he would fill with stick notes, then add it on your gift. If he uses a ruler or other writing instruments regularly, then add them on your things-to-buy list, too.

Christmas Ideas for him- Stationary


If you are concerned about the texture of your husband’s skin, then this is the moment for you introduce a skincare routine to him. Skincare isn’t solely for the benefit of women. Skincare is made to take care of the skin. The fact that your man has skin just means he also needs it.

Try the skin test on him. After he had gone through a day, look at how oily or dry his skin was. Oily skin, may it be on a man or a woman, would look exactly how it was labelled: oily. If your hand is sticking on his face, then you know it’s oily. If his skin felt scaly, then his skin is dry.

Christmas Ideas for him- Skincare


All people appreciate a holiday. If your boyfriend is someone who loves spontaneity, organise a getaway without him knowing. Arrange a date on a day he would be home, and tell him over breakfast you actually bought yourself and him a ticket to another state and that you have prepared everything (this is just an example; you could go anywhere, really).

If your boyfriend is someone who prefers to plan things ahead of time then give him a coupon you both could use when he is available. This way, he will be prompted to push back his future meetings so you could use the coupon.

Christmas Ideas for him- Holiday


Gift him a watch if he is a collector of watches. Even if he is someone who is not really into watches, then maybe you might influence him to like watches if you choose a good watch for him. People use watches to look at the time. Most people nowadays have forgotten how to read the time on a watch since it is easier to read the time using a mobile phone. If you want him to stop that habit, then this is the time for you to make him break it.

Christmas Ideas for him- Watch



Buy your husband new kitchenware if he is the master chef of the home. Look at his work area in the kitchen. Which tools, cookware, or containers are he still missing? Did he mention needing a container for the spices? Is he having trouble with the food processor? Buying new kitchenware also cost money, so he would appreciate if you would take off some of that burden from him.

If you are bold and also have a good stash of money, consider having your kitchen remodelled for him while he is away for a few weeks, or replace his broken stove or ovens with a new one.

Christmas Ideas for him- Kitchenware


Anything Leather

Leather could mean a belt, a wallet, a watch, a jacket, a bag, or shoes. Some men prefer wearing leather as it could easily match any apparel and still look stylish no matter what the occasion. Opt to gift him a wallet if he is someone who likes to change his wallet according to his mood.

If he is someone who likes shoes, make sure you get the right size or to get a gift stub so he could have the item exchanged if it is not the right fit. Leather is stylish and easy to maintain compared with those made of fabrics. It could be a good investment as leather will last longer than other materials.

Christmas Ideas for him- Leather

Be Creative

Some men appreciate handcrafted items. If you’re good with creating items, opt for the cheapest yet most loving way of gifting someone. Customize his items with your own design, or repurpose them to create a new item.

If your creativity involves creating new furniture, improve the organisation of his cabinets or his closet. Make him something he could place on his shelves to make them more attractive yet organized. Your man will appreciate whatever gift you may give him, because, really, men appreciate their women’s gift as long as it comes from the heart!

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The Denture Process Explained Tue, 24 Oct 2017 05:02:26 +0000 /?p=669 Your initial assessment Your initial assessment at your dentist is aimed at seeing whether you are going to be a suitable candidate to receive dentures. Your experienced dental clinic and...

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Your initial assessment

Your initial assessment at your dentist is aimed at seeing whether you are going to be a suitable candidate to receive dentures. Your experienced dental clinic and dentist about dentures and repairs will go through your dental and health history, making sure to inspect all the tissues in your mouth. They will do a full examination to determine whether dentures will be a good choice for your body – and gauging whether you’ll be happy with dentures over other forms of dental prosthetic.

The dentist will discuss with you a plan of action and outline the costs involved along the way. If you have any partial teeth or root issues, they will determine whether dental surgery is needed before your denture fitting and the costs involved for this also.

Obtaining the first impressions

As far as first impressions go, these are pretty important! Taking your primary impressions for your mouth means going in there with a particular compound and getting the shape of our mouth and gums right. Usually, this compound is made from silicone or alginate. A dentist will need to be very careful when taking the impression to ensure that no air bubbles form in the compound.

There may also be a second impression take from within a tray if the first impression isn’t exact enough for the dentist’s liking. This is to do with the muscles of the mouth because everyone is different. You might be instructed to make strange shapes with your mouth to ensure everything is fitting in the right place.

There are a number of things that go into creating the perfect set of dentures for your mouth and the dentist will be thinking about things such as the size, shape, and position of your lips, where your bite lies (more difficult if you have no teeth at all), this will have to be recreated, as well as the positioning of your teeth and the height of your dentures.

Getting the bite right

When you have no teeth, it can be quite difficult to get the bite of your dentures just right. This might include jaw and tongue exercises, etc. The dentist may take some time to try and figure out the correct bite for you.

After they’ve correctly measured your bite, they’ll work out the colour, shape and size of your new false teeth. If you want anything out of the ordinary from your dentures at this point in time, this is when you’ll need to put in a request from your dentist. Perhaps you used to have a little gap between your front teeth that you’d like mimicked again. Now is the time to ask.

Fitting appointment

In your follow up appointment you’ll get to try your new dentures. Often they aren’t exactly right the first time and you’ll need to come back for more tries. This is perfectly normal – denture fitting is as much of an art as it is a science. Once you and your dentist are happy with the fit, some finishing touches will be added before you’re allowed to take your new dentures home.

Before you take your new set of dentures, the dentist will run through thoroughly how you need to take care of them at home, as well as provide a detailed instruction sheet so you don’t get too lost. They should also at this stage book you in for your follow up appointment for later to ensure that everything is going along as it should be.

Getting dentures isn’t scary – but the process can take a little while. Be patient, and remember that good things will always come to those who wait!

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