Sifat Anonta – Expert Zine Thu, 15 Nov 2018 11:01:41 +0000 en-AU hourly 1 Sifat Anonta – Expert Zine 32 32 Gifts Ideas for Dad this Christmas Fri, 19 Oct 2018 11:29:27 +0000 /?p=638 Men often seem stoic and unconcerned about receiving gifts on birthdays, Father’s Day, or Christmas, but that doesn’t mean they don’t enjoy presents. You just have to pick the right...

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Men often seem stoic and unconcerned about receiving gifts on birthdays, Father’s Day, or Christmas, but that doesn’t mean they don’t enjoy presents. You just have to pick the right gift ideas. The viral video about a colour-blind dad who received EnChroma sunglasses proves the point. He was giddy to see colour for the first time in his life.

Get your dad the right gift this Christmas, and he may be every bit as floored as the dad in the video. Record him opening the gift, and you just might become a viral sensation of your own! Of course the present you select depends on the kind of person your father is.

Some dads will just be happy to have a quiet moment on the sofa with sports and beer, especially if he’s been crowded by noise and grandkids all weekend. For this dad, sequester him to the TV room on Game Day, keep everyone out of his way, and give him a cold beer.

Depending on his preferences, you could buy him a beer hamper filled with a selection of Aussie Craft beer or International beer. Each Christmas Gift hamper comes with five different bottles of branded beer, and savoury snacks to go with them. He’ll get crisps, nuts, dipping sauce and more, all for less than $100. And they’re classily packed in black.

For the teetotaller that loves to mess around in the kitchen, give him a chance to make a set of dad-only snacks with his very own Chilli Pepper kit. This package gives him all he needs to grow his kitchen garden chillies. That way, when he cooks, he can make sure his food is so spicy that no one else will touch it! Unless of course, you’re a family that loves their spice, in which case this gift will make dad the official house chef…

What if dad is feeling cooped up and wants to get out of the house? You could always organise a Daddy’s Day Out where he can go try his brand new portable grill. The Weber Go-Anywhere Gas Grill is perfect for a fishing trip, camp-out, or walkabout. And he can take his boys or go on his own, whichever he prefers.

This portable Weber has a porcelain enamel cooking plate for even distribution of heat, as well as a one-push ignition switch. Dad will love cooking his favourite cuts on this little gadget, whether he’s at home on the weekend or out driving with his boys. It could also be a good way to sneak in some bonding time with the sons and grandsons.

Don’t forget to include a few disposable gas cylinders with his gift, so that he can grill. They’re sold separately, and you should build up a good collection so that he has one whenever he needs it. It may help to add it to your routine grocery list. Get a gas pipe as well.

Speaking of tasty meat, every dad loves his pulled pork, unless of course, your faith requires halal or kosher diets. For most other dads – and everyone else – bacon rules, and pulled pork is a close second. So the next time dad asks you to make him a sandwich, get him in on the fun with this Pork Shredder.

This amazingly fun gadget will bring out his inner Wolverine while making your sandwich adventures that much easier. If anything, you’ll probably have too much meat because he’ll soon turn his new gift into a toy. By the end of Christmas, none of you may want to see shredded meat ever again!

The claws are dishwasher-safe, and you can repurpose them to shred other things too, like vegetables and turkey, though they’re probably too big for chicken. There’s an idea. Set dad a task to use his claws on the leftover poultry. It will keep him busy for a while, and if he can figure out how to shred the small pieces, all the better.

Boys and their toys are hard to pry apart, so one way to get dad to do his chores is to turn it into a game. Get him the type of gift that benefits you more than him. Over Christmas, you may occasionally need him to watch the little ones, so why not get them something they can use together? Remote controlled gadgets never go wrong, and little girls love them too.

Invest in a remote-controlled drone, helicopter, or race car. It will delight you to watch dad giggle like a little kid. Your only problem may be that the small ones never get a turn, so you might consider matching sets for the grandchildren, just to keep the peace.


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Tips For Staying Cool in Your Wedding Dress In The Hot Aussie Summer Wed, 26 Sep 2018 11:00:15 +0000 /?p=1259 Getting married is literally one of the most exciting events in your life. You’ve found the perfect partner, the perfect venue, the perfect guest list, catering company, and maybe even...

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Getting married is literally one of the most exciting events in your life. You’ve found the perfect partner, the perfect venue, the perfect guest list, catering company, and maybe even dress. However, if you’re getting married in Australia in summer one thing you’ll need to take into account is how to avoid burning up in your gorgeous wedding gown when you’re usually out and about in light little play suits and wedding dresses.

We have a few tips to ensure the guests aren’t wondering why you look like you’ve just been for a swim in the lake during your photo op.


Tips for Staying Cool In Your Bridal Wedding Dress In The Hot Aussie Summer


Be Careful With Your Dress Choice

Maybe you have your heart set on a big, gorgeous, heavy, boned ballgown. If so, and your mind won’t be budged, then it might be wise to consider switching up the date of your wedding to some time when it will be a little cooler.

If you haven’t decided yet, then make sure to think about your dress as it pertains to the possible weather situation. While you probably won’t be that keen on a short wedding dress, you can make choices with what fabrics are used (cotton, rayon, silk, and Georgette work), as well as lining and extra styling details. A cooling illusion netting fabric might be a great way to work in the air, like with the Provonias Eco dress. Flashing the flesh elegantly isn’t as hard as you may think.


And Your Shoe Choice

If you’re prone to getting hot, then make sure you go with a strappy number instead of a cute Mary Jane. You should also make sure that you wear in your wedding shoes a little before the show. You certainly don’t want blisters on your big day. Pop in a pair of trusty favourites in your go-to bag for any emergencies on the day.


Extra Strength Deo

There are now extra strength deodorants available that you can use to help keep you from sweating so much. You don’t need to keep it just for use under the arms, either. Pop some in other spots you may get sweaty – the back, or neckline.

You can also ask you doctor about recommended prescription products should you wish.



Yup, while plenty of brides go the Botox route before the wedding on their face, other sneaky brides are using it to keep the sweat away. You can use Botox or similar under your arms, on your hands, on your feet and more. If your hubby to be is a bit of a sweater as well, you could even go in together for a session. Hey, the couple that Botoxes together stays together.


Makeup Choice

It’s all well and good to have an outstanding makeup artist on hand, but what products is she or he using on your face? A heavy face of makeup and various products will make you sweat and potentially get greasier, too. There are various primers that are specifically for greasy skin you can buy and test out, then use as your base. The same goes with moisturizers, foundations, and even your fake lashes! Do your research, purchase some products and try them out. Because you don’t just have to look babein, you also need to make sure your face doesn’t look like a dripping tap. Instead of tissues, little microfiber clothes might be better in a mop-up pinch.


Hand Held Fans

No, I’m not talking about those ugly little electric ones. Think large, glam hand fans for you and your bridesmaids, that have been tailored to your wedding theme and colors. You can even make smaller versions of them as wedding favors for your guests as something that’s both practical and they will keep and use at home.


Venue Choice

When choosing your venues for the day, make sure they are air conditioned. There is nothing worse than having 100+ people in a stifling room or church. Many old churches have been refurbished to include air conditioning but it’s important to check in advance.

Going for a quirky reception venue might be a good idea in theory, but if it hasn’t been explicitly designed with cooling in mind you might find you and your guests burning up more than just the dance floor.


A Reception Dress

Plenty of brides these days are going down the route of having the beautiful ballgown for their ceremonies, then changing into something fun and cool with movement for their reception. Not only does this this ensure you can keep cool while mingling and dancing, it means that you get to have two dresses for your wedding. I mean, seriously. Who doesn’t want two dresses? I think 6 would be a good number. One dress for waking up in, one dress for getting ready in, one for the ceremony, one for the reception, one for the after party, and then one for the bedroom afterwards!

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Wedding Dresses For The Older Bride

Hot-Button Wedding Topics And How to Handle Them

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A Brief History of The Franchise Model Thu, 20 Sep 2018 15:45:04 +0000 /?p=1224 Franchising is said to be one of the most revolutionary ways of starting, doing and or expanding a business. It the principle that is to blame for the many world-famous...

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Franchising is said to be one of the most revolutionary ways of starting, doing and or expanding a business. It the principle that is to blame for the many world-famous brands that have become household names in fast food and supermarket chains.  It offers an almost fool proof approach to an entrepreneurship venture where, a business owner (in this case known as a franchisor) gives another business owner (franchisee) a licence to their business model and brand and all that comes with it, including procedures, intellectual property and operations and a right to manufacture and or sell products bearing that brand or at least to do what that business. The franchisee in turn has to comply with certain obligations which are stipulated in a Franchise Agreement, which is an essential document for franchise disputes and franchise rights. Think of it as simply cloning a business at a fee.


A Brief History of The Franchise Business Model


The Medieval Times

Many attribute the Middle Ages as being the first-time period that exhibited a phenomenon akin to franchising. In those days, esteemed members of society such as church officials were granted a license to maintain order and assess taxes by the local governing bodies. Medieval courts (or lords) gave these individuals the right to hold markets, and perform business-related activities since there was essentially considered to be a monopoly on commercial ventures. These first franchisees paid a royalty to the lords in exchange for, these licences and protection among other things.


The Colonial Era

Fast forward to the colonial period where he local sovereign would authorize individuals to conduct all business-related activities on his land including transport, hunting, trade and so on. This concept extended to the Kings, who would grant a franchise for different types of business activities. European monarchs (a relative equivalent to the Kings themselves) even bestowed special permits (franchises) upon local citizens who were contracted to take on the daunting task of seeking out and founding new colonies. Once a colony was created, the founder could receive the protection of the “Crown” in exchange for taxes or royalties.


The 1800s: Birth of the Franchise Model

The franchise model of business that we now associate with is said to have found its origins in the 1880s, in the American entrepreneur Isaac Merrit Singer. He was the founder of I.M. Singer & Company and was the first person to patent a practical, widely-used sewing machine, which although there were already some in existence, stood head and shoulders above the rest. The invention was out of reach to most Americans, a problem which was solved by what is said to be the the first ever instalment plan. Now that average people could pay for his sewing machines, he now had to devise an effective distribution method, which he did in the form of Licensing Arrangement.


Singer and his partners would find businesspeople who were intent on owning the rights to sell Singer’s product. They would oversee selling them in specific geographical areas. Once they found interested people, they would charge them a licensing fee up-front, for the right to sell the machines. As a follow up, Singer mandated the licensees with teaching the average consumer how to operate the sewing machine. And that became the spark that ignited the spread of the wildfire that is franchising.


The 1900s Pick It Up

With the advent of the 1900s, another revolutionary product with enormous potential emerged on the American day to day scene; the automobile. Henry Ford, the pioneer of mass production of automobiles by way of the assembly line, needed to find a good way to distribute the product. Why? Because, by then the only methods available to sell them were through mail-order catalogues and salesmen who traversed the country trying to find buyers. The solution was none other than automobile dealership, yet another franchise example.


With the permeation of automobile dealerships into the heart of the USA, more roads became more paved and due to the need for gasoline, oil companies began franchising their stations along major roads. Some of them like Chevron, still exist to date.


As the population of automobile drivers grew, so did the diners, motels and roadside restaurants. Ultimately, food franchises began to open. In the 1960s, the most famous example of these is a fast food chain that is now a household name worldwide; McDonalds. A visionary salesperson named Ray Kroc, transformed the California-based business of the brothers Dick and Mac McDonald from a busy hamburger stand to a present-day empire which boasts approximately 34,000 McDonald’s restaurants, 80 percent of them are franchises and employs roughly 1.8 million people in 118 different countries. How did he do that? By selling franchises.


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Buying A Franchise? Tips to Get Started

Are The Laws Around Franchises Complicated?

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Are The Laws Around Franchises Complicated? Fri, 17 Aug 2018 16:01:29 +0000 /?p=1151 On TV, lawyers like Rake wear wigs and gowns to make clever arguments. American depictions have more flash, with dramatic yells of ‘objection you honour!’ and teeny tiny power suit...

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On TV, lawyers like Rake wear wigs and gowns to make clever arguments. American depictions have more flash, with dramatic yells of ‘objection you honour!’ and teeny tiny power suit bottoms. Corporate law is a lot more mundane in real life. There isn’t nearly as much shouting and gavel banging. It’s reading briefs, combing through documents, confirming contracts, and making sure your client gets the most profitable deal. This ensures your slice of the cake is healthier.


The concept of franchising doesn’t seem that complicated. You take a well-known brand, open a local branch, get support from headquarters, and give them a share of your cut. And yet there are laws governing the process. And if you’ve ever tried reading your rental lease, car loan documents, or even the terms and conditions on any online account (which nobody ever does), then you know what lawyers are for. And this is just the routine stuff, before you ever experience franchise disputes.


Are The Laws Around Franchises Business Complicated_


The franchise model is quite popular in Australia, both from Old Mother England and other global entities. Most franchises run as incorporated organisations that legally require at least one Australian director. It’s easy to set up, and can take as little as two days.  The incorporation must follow the statutes on the Corporation Act of 2001, largely implemented by ASIC (Australia Securities and Investments Commission). Your franchise will need a TFN (tax file number) and ABN (Australia business number).


Statutes And Measures

You also have to register for GST (goods and services tax). If your franchise will receive foreign funds above AUD 231 Million (the official cap for non-American investors in 2010), you’ll need approval from the FIRB (Foreign Investment Review Board). The US has no caps, because of our free trade agreement with them. Franchises pay the same taxes as everyone else – income tax, payroll, state tax, workers’ comp, and stamp duty. They may also pay a 5% withholding tax on the funds they send back to their overseas brand headquarters (royalties and commissions).


Local income tax is 30%, so franchisees should clarify double-tax regimes and treaties with their lawyers. Lawyers also need to look into franchisee rights for your staff. For example, are they employed by their local Aussie boss or by the franchisor – whether it’s a local brand or an international one? In the latter case, are their (minimum) wages and hours governed by Australia or the franchisor’s ‘home country’? What about employee insurance and workplace safety standards? These may seem like straightforward matters for a franchisee, the kind of thing that’s agreed verbally.


Sifting Through Agreements

However, a lawyer needs to look through the agreements and see whether there are any clauses or loopholes regarding this. Issues don’t come up when things are fine, but the second someone gets fired and feels aggrieved, you’d be surprised what sneaky franchise terms they can find to sue you. You might also have to register patents and trademarks with IP Australia to avoid others unlawfully cutting into the exclusivity of your franchise. Some franchise agreements include a business premises which will be leased by the franchisor.


At the top level, the laws that govern buying or selling a franchise fall under the Franchising Code of Conduct i.e. the Trade Practices (Industry Codes – Franchising) Regulations 1998. It used to be called the Trade Practices Act but was renamed the Competition and Consumer Act, and it’s enforced by ACCC (Australia Competition and Consumer Commission). The ACCC is in charge of investigating and prosecuting non-compliance. They’re especially concerned with disclosure documents, which have to be reviewed and updated every year.


Altered Agreements

The document has information on litigation, payment terms, sites, territories intellectual property, obligations, earnings, terms of franchise closure, and a copy of the franchise agreement itself. After the end of the financial year, the franchisor must update the Disclosure Documents within four months and submit a fresh copy to ACCC for a compliance check. If there are any changes, the franchisor legally has 14 days to inform the franchisee. The franchisee can also request an updated document once a year.


Franchises have to abide by municipal laws in the region they are located. They may have to follow industry codes as well. If a franchisee feels wronged by the franchisor, they can seek assistance from ACCC under the Franchising Code. The FCA (Franchising Council of Australia) also issues conduct requirements for its members. There’s whole other network of laws governing when a franchisor or franchisee can exit the agreement and how, but as you can see franchise law is definitely complex. So before you sign on any dotted line, talk to a good franchise lawyer and let them walk you through what could either be a profitable venture or a messy legal nightmare.


Read More:

Buying A Franchise? Tips to Get Started

Why you Should Seek Legal Advice When You Are Buying A Franchise

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Buying A Franchise? Tips to Get Started Mon, 23 Jul 2018 15:10:24 +0000 /?p=1096 Have you ever wondered how some businesses can have branches all over the country – or the world? Many times, it’s not a centralized office that runs everything. A lot...

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Have you ever wondered how some businesses can have branches all over the country – or the world? Many times, it’s not a centralized office that runs everything. A lot of ‘local branches’ are actually franchises. These are individual, independent business that trade using the same brand name and brand resources, while promising to maintain brand standards and share their profits with their brand HQ.


There are different kinds of franchise systems. The most common is a business model franchise. It ensures that – for example – your burger tastes exactly the same whether you buy it in Darwin, Perth, or Cairo. To ensure uniformity the brand will give you access to manuals, training, quality assurance techniques, marketing channels, and support.


It’s the most popular option in Australia, because you essentially receive a starter pack and the option to ‘phone a friend’ at Head Office whenever you need to. The business model is common with food chains and direct services like automobile detailing. However, if the ‘franchise’ is car rental or banking, the more common choice is an Agency Agreement.


Buying A Franchise Sydney_ Tips to Get Started


Franchise Types

In these models, the ‘branch’ simply distributes the products or services of their ‘franchisor’ with no responsibility or liability in terms of consistent quality. Under legal statutes, it’s not strictly considered a franchise. In the field of electronics, car sales, and related products, a similar option is selected. You sign up to be an Authorized Dealer, which means you offer the franchisor’s goods and services, including warranties and customer support.


Dealers don’t necessarily have to offer uniform service, but they create a direct link to the original brand, so there’s broader liability than agency arrangements. Then there are distributors, who are like dealers, except they work wholesale. It’s mainly a collection point, so there’s minimal liability for the ‘warehouse’. The distribution model lends itself to confectionaries, food products, fuel, and software. They can escalate customer complaints, but they never get directly involved if something goes wrong.


Finally, you can sign up as a licensor or manufacturer. This applies when the brand doesn’t (or can’t) have a physical presence in your locality, so they give you their ‘production formula’ and you manufacture on their behalf. When you’re buying a franchise, be clear on which of these models you’re signing up for, because their legal terms are vastly different.


Advantages of Franchising

Why would you want to buy a franchise? Well, it generally needs less capital than starting a business from scratch. The brand already has market positioning and a reputation of its own, so you don’t need to actively sell it. Franchise brands generally have a marketing machine in place, and will give you full access to all its tools, helping you tailor it for your locality.


This widens reach, expands market share faster, and develops an effortless customer base. Middle managers can expand into franchise owners, so it offers career growth. It enhances buying power, allowing owners to easily scale their franchise. For investors, there’s a higher ROI for less risk, and quicker turnaround for profit and penetration.


Given all these benefits, you need to get the right franchise agreement so you can maximise returns. After all, the franchise is designed to the advantage of the franchisor, so as a buyer, you need a good lawyer to skew things in your direction. If you can work with a law firm that deals exclusively with franchise deals. They have more experience in getting better terms.


What Your Franchise Lawyer Does

It’s important to know that when you buy a franchise, you’re not becoming an employer, employee, tenant, landlord, mortgager, partner, lender, borrower, or cooperative partner with your franchisor. You are simply using the brand name to supply their brand products and services for profit, and giving them a portion of returns.


These returns can be in the form of a capital investment fee. They will give you the money to start, and you’ll repay their investment loan with interest. You might be required to give your franchisor a percentage of overall sales. And you might have to pay them for training or discounted raw materials. Both these measures are for consistency and quality control.  Your lawyers will also look into more technical factors, like the lease agreement on your business premises, branding charges, fixtures, and any necessary construction work or furnishing.


Get a lawyer involved from the beginning. They’ll help you with designing a suitable franchise agreement, negotiating payment terms, renewal or termination of agreements, resolving disputes with your franchisor, and dealing with your finances in case your franchise has a slow start. Lawyers are essential if you need to transfer your franchise rights, or if you want help with the building and branded business vehicles.


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Advantages and disadvantages of buying a franchise

Why you Should Seek Legal Advice When You Are Buying A Franchise

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Wedding Dresses For The Older Bride Fri, 20 Jul 2018 06:41:37 +0000 /?p=1087 Love has no age limit and sometimes some people choose to get married later in life or perhaps choose to get married after losing a loved one.   These are...

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Love has no age limit and sometimes some people choose to get married later in life or perhaps choose to get married after losing a loved one.


These are usually some of the best love stories and with that comes the decision on what type of dress to wear that will suit your age, body type and personality, because ultimately you are only as young as you feel. So don’t let society completely dictate what to wear on your big day, as long as you feel beautiful and you’re marrying the man of your dreams, nothing else matters.


Here are a few gorgeous gowns to consider when you’re deciding on what to wear for your big day:

Wedding Dresses Sydney For The Older Bride

Pronovias – Edet

If you have a bohemian soul this dress is for you. The evase skirt and natural waist are made of lace and petit poir tulle, then decorated with guipure appliques. The neckline is sprinkled with jewels from the front to the back. Beautiful floral motifs pepper the gown adding a touch of romanticism. The French sleeves have ruffles which complete this boho dress.


Sottero & Midgley Melrose

Elegant and simple this dress has beautiful moder lace appliques that give the illusion of long sleeves, a fitted bodice with a scalloped hemline and crosshatch tulle, that flows over the fit and flare silhouette. The neckline is an illusion sweetheart, that has a double keyhole at the back with a gorgeous train that adds a touch of drama.


Maggie Sottero – Piper

Simplistic in design this gown is charm and grace personified. The sheath silhouette form is enhanced with lace and a beautiful V-neckline. Detailed illusion straps top of the dress as does the illusion back that is accented with lace motifs.

Perfect for a beach or lake wedding.


Pronovias – Drum

This gorgeous dress has a detachable ballgown skirt that can be used later in the evening. The mermaid style Chantilly dress that hides underneath has a floral overlay that is beautifully embroidered. A sweetheart neckline with illusion floral applique and gemstones finish off the neckline.


Maggie Sottero – Serenica

If you don’t want to get married in white then perhaps blush is an option? The Serenica gown is the absolute favourite on this list and it’s easy to see why. The colour is gorgeous and will bring a new meaning to the blushing bride.


It is grace and femininity personified, and you can wear it down the aisle. The dress is a mermaid style with a sweetheart neckline and bodice that hugs the figure right up until just above the knee. Swarovski crystals adorn the dress that links to the Opal organza and tulle skirt. The skirt ruffles out into many beautiful layers that creates a very dramatic yet romantic look.


These are only but a few options from what is out there. There’s no need to feel you should choose something just because it wasn’t made with the unconventional bride in mind.


Most dresses might be aimed at the younger bride with the waif-like body, but to be completely honest that’s not what the majority of brides look like. If you want a yellow wedding gown with a gigantic bow, do it. Do it for you. As long as you feel like you’ve stayed true to yourself and you feel comfortable in the dress you can’t go wrong. We don’t, however, know what the groom will think of a yellow bridal wedding dress, but you know him better than anyone else.


We hope you find the perfect dress for your big day, and if all else fails ask the opinion of a child, they sometimes have a way of telling the truth exactly how we need to hear it.


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Hot-Button Wedding Topics And How to Handle Them

How to Avoid Being Overwhelmed by Choice: The Wedding Dress Edition

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Hot-Button Wedding Topics And How to Handle Them Fri, 22 Jun 2018 17:50:53 +0000 /?p=1033 When you’re getting married, you plan to be together forever. After all, this is the person you’ve chosen to spend the rest of your life with. That’s why it can...

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When you’re getting married, you plan to be together forever. After all, this is the person you’ve chosen to spend the rest of your life with. That’s why it can be scary when you realize how much you’re fighting in the run-up to the wedding. Some couples even start to wonder whether they want to be together after all. No matter how long you’ve been dating, wedding planning blues can make you doubt your compatibility.


Hot-Button Wedding Shops Topics And How To Handle Them


Bridal Secrets has dealt with thousands of bridal pairings, and in addition to giving you the most amazing dress, we want you to have the wedding of both your dreams. Yes, both, because as much as people say it’s the bride’s day, the groom is kind of invested too. Let’s look at some of the things couples fight about on their path down the aisle, and how to resolve them without ruining your wedding memories.


What is With That Dress?

Nobody really wants to think about the d-word during a wedding, unless the d-word is dress, in which case everyone wants to think about it. Many grooms are puzzled that their wife-to-be wants to spend thousands of dollars on a dress she will only bridal wear once. Worse, she may want multiple dresses for the same ceremony! In these cases, it’s best to give in and let the bride decide. After all, that slinky Aire Barcelona Balsamo could be the difference between your marriage lasting twenty years or twenty minutes.


Still, the budget can be a problem, so you could decide beforehand that the bride should buy her own dress. If she’s paying for it herself (or if her family and friends are funding her dress), then her groom is more likely to be gracious. Her dress, her choice. Sometimes, an overzealous or overly-doting groom may offer to pay for the dress, which means he will choose the dress budget. That rarely ends well, so if he wants to fork out his credit card, he needs to pick a different area of the budget. Same goes for the wedding cake.


Case of The Ex

Some of us want to throw our exes off the tallest cliff we can find, while others get along with them fairly well. Plus, with the world getting smaller and smaller, it’s likely that your ex is still within your circle of friends – or worse, your prospective spouse’s. Some couples believe in leaving the past in the past, so they don’t discuss previous relationships. Others want to bare it all, just so a hot ex doesn’t make a surprise appearance at a family function.


The issue can become thornier if there are children involved, because you can’t avoid interacting with your step-child’s biological parent. Sometimes, this can extend to child’s aunts, uncles, and grandparents. You don’t want the tensions erupting at the wedding, so you have to hash them out early enough. You could consider pre-marital counselling to specifically deal with the issue of exes. A simpler approach – at least in theory – is to reverse roles. Would you be okay with their ex doing what your ex is doing? Think about it …


Stag And Hen Nights

Your last night as a single should ideally be fun, wild, exciting, and without regrets, that generally means booze, strippers, and questionable decisions. First off, no matter how much you party, ensure you can make it to your wedding the next day. So, if your best man or maid of honour is a party animal, designate a more conservative chaperone to drag you to your wedding venue in a presentable state.


Secondly, just like the ex, your response to bachelor/ette parties will depend on your relationship and your trust levels. You might decide to turn a blind eye, knowing it will be last time they do whatever-they-intend-to-do. Or you could set ground rules. If you demand that there be no strippers, it’s unlikely to be followed, but you could ask your fiancé/e to look but not touch, or you could ask them to draw the line at sexual contact.


The Question of In-laws

How much of a say will (female) in-laws have in your wedding celebration? Usually, the leeway your mum and sisters get in your wedding could set the tone for how much they can interfere with your marriage, so set the tone early. You should also discuss living arrangements. If your college-age cousin or tween niece practically had keys to your bachelor/ette pad, they may not realise things have changed unless you say so explicitly.


This is something important to discuss before you carry or are carried across the threshold. It’s easier to evict a blood-related tenant before they’ve spent a month on your sofa bed, so talk this over well in advance of the honeymoon and make sure your house-sitter actually plans to leave when you get back. In fact, the second you propose, unless your spouse enjoys live-in company, start making alternate living arrangements for your related room-mates.


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How to Avoid Being Overwhelmed by Choice: The Wedding Dress Edition

My Favorite Fit and Flare Wedding Dress Options

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Gift Hampers to Win Your Boss Over! Mon, 27 Nov 2017 21:42:02 +0000 /?p=828 Buying gifts for your colleagues is challenging, especially if you only interact professionally and are not sure about their personal likes and preferences. Buying gifts for your boss is doubly...

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Buying gifts for your colleagues is challenging, especially if you only interact professionally and are not sure about their personal likes and preferences. Buying gifts for your boss is doubly challenging as you want to make a good impression on the person who most impacts your career. Gift hampers are a good idea for holiday gifts for your boss since all you need is to know what makes them happy. You can then build your hamper around it and score major points in terms of standing out as a gift giver. Here are some hampers that might just win over your boss this Christmas.


Gift Hampers Ideas to Win Your Boss Over!


The Coffee Break Gift Hamper

You don’t need to be intimately close to your boss to know whether they enjoy coffee. If your boss always has a coffee cup on their desk, then the coffee break gift hamper would be a perfect holiday gift. The hamper includes a 250 g packet of 100% organic strong coffee blend that is guaranteed to impress any coffee lover. Also included are a number of treats such as chocolate chip cookies, chocolate coated coffee beans and premium Belgian chocolate bars.

The Office Party Hamper

The office party hamper makes for a good holiday gift since it is jumbo sized and has enough goodies for your boss to share with his/her office mates. The hamper includes a bottle of Chandon NV Brut Chardonnay, two Stella Artois beers, an assortment of nuts, crackers, chocolate, pretzels and green olives.

The United Beer Nations Gift Hamper

If your boss loves sampling international beers, then the United Beer Nations Hamper will make the perfect gift. It includes six bottles of international beers which you can choose based on your boss’ preferences. Also included in the hamper is a bar of Toblerone milk chocolate and beer nuts.

The Whisky Classic Hamper

If your boss is a noted whisky aficionado, then you are in luck. The whisky classic hamper includes a 700ml bottle of Chivas Regal that has been matured for 12 years, two branded whisky bottles, marble coasters, chocolate covered macadamia nuts and a cheese platter that includes a pear and almonds.

The Chocoholic Gift Hamper

The chocoholic gift hamper has enough goodies to satiate the boss whose sweet tooth favours chocolate. It includes up to 5 types of the finest chocolate from all over the world. You can choose the type of chocolate to be included depending on your boss’s preference.

The White Wine Christmas Collection

This is the perfect hamper for the boss that enjoys a few glasses of white wine regularly. It includes a bottle of premium McGuigan Private Bin Sauvignon Blanc 2014 vintage and a host of other goodies such as jam shortbread, Christmas pudding and a box of chocolates.

The Cookie and Chocolate Galore Gift hamper

What makes the cookie and chocolate galore hamper impressive is that it works for bosses who have a sweet tooth as well as bosses that have young children at home. The hamper is generously filled with handmade premium cookies and chocolates. Included in the hamper is biscotti, gourmet fudge, an assortment of chocolate boxes, fudge biscuits and delicious shortbread biscuits.

The Go Nuts Gluten Free Hamper

This is the perfect gift hamper for the boss that enjoys light snacks regularly during the workday. It includes macadamia nuts, caramel popcorn, wallaby bites, flavoured coffee beans, and sachets of drinking chocolate and tea bags.

The ANZAC Ciders Hamper

If your boss enjoys the occasional cider, then this hamper will make a perfect holiday gift. It includes five premium bottles of cider from all over the world as well as accompanying bites such as green olives, potato crisps and assorted nuts.

Crack a Coldie Beer Hamper

This is the ultimate hamper for a boss who enjoys beer. It includes five types of beer: Becks lager, Heineken, Crown Lager, Cooper’s pale ale and Pure Blond low carb lager. Also included are an assortment of beer nuts, crackers, cashew nuts and pretzels.

All the listed hampers come with beautiful packaging, and in most cases, you can further customise them to your boss’s specific tastes by adding extra goodies.


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Christmas Gift Ideas For Him

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Gifts Ideas For The Family And In-laws This Christmas Mon, 27 Nov 2017 12:55:13 +0000 /?p=824 With the heat of festive summer season right around the corner. It’s the time of year when families and close friends from all over Australia gather to spend some quality...

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With the heat of festive summer season right around the corner. It’s the time of year when families and close friends from all over Australia gather to spend some quality time together. Whether you share the traditional English dinner with roast turkey or have a seafood barbecue in your backyard, Christmas is all about staying connected. But regardless the convivial joy and happiness the festive season brings, for a lot of us it feels like the most hectic time of year. With the cooking, the decorations and the parties, the holidays may seem to be more like work than a vacation. Some of us also get caught up in searching for “the perfect gift“  to present to our loved ones. With six weeks to go until Christmas and time still on our side, here are some gift ideas for the in-laws to show your appreciation and love.

Christmas Gifts Ideas For the Family And In-laws



The Bluetooth speaker

Finally, it’s the time of year to hit the beach again, surf and sail, ride bicycles and hold barbecues beside the pool. With the summer outdoor season at its peak and music lovers will be keen to take their favorite tunes everywhere. A wireless speaker is a brilliant Christmas gift ideas , when paired up with a smartphone or tablet it makes a  great listening experience under sunny skies. So why not surprise your brother with one of these waterproof Bluetooth speakers and let him turn the surf trip into a beach party with all his friends?

The health booster

Everybody loves smoothies. They are easy to take to the office or a refreshing drink to serve when friends are over. Smoothies are a great way to add fruit and veggies to the daily diet, and they are easy to make also. Last time you talked on the phone your mother told you she’s planning a reboot to start the new year? Great, get her a blender that turns ordinary food into superfood to support her healthy lifestyle.

The racing machine

For cyclists, almost nothing beats time on the bike. While on the road, riders see things they’d otherwise never get a chance to and the long miles provide an escape from everyday life.

Bikes are the absolute classic when it comes to Christmas gifts. Your father always wanted a new one but never found the time to purchase? There you go. And while it’s still summer, why not take the first ride together and make some memories.

That vintage accessory

Leather jackets have been around for decades and are yet still fresh and modern. They make a great present hence their universal use, complimenting both the party dress or smart casual clothes in any season. Your sister got a new haircut? A biker leather jacket, fitted and figure-hugging is the must have to underline her new summer look.

The stress relieving toy

You’ve seen them on the streets, in playgrounds and maybe even watched a video on youtube: fidget spinners. First marketed as aids for individuals with anxiety, autism and ADHD, now the season’s hottest toy. “Fidget spinners” are small, ball bearing devices that the user can rotate between his or her fingers. The momentum of tossing, transferring and twirling the toy is supposed to provide a pleasing sensory experience. Give your nephew a spinner this Christmas to share all the new tricks with his peers after school while waiting for the bus.

The gourmet treat

When surrounded by friends and family you want to ensure a memorable holiday celebration, so give them something you can be proud of. A gift basket is a unique and delicious present for the people in your life and the perfect way to feast on holiday flavours with the whole family. A beautifully presented festive Christmas hamper filled with a variety of sweet and savoury treats like bottles of the stunning Churches Cabernet Sauvignon as well as Honey Roasted Peanuts from Ogilvie and Co. Fine Foods are the ultimate foodie indulgence and the best way to excite your in-law gourmands this festive season.


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The Best Holiday Gift Ideas For the Whole Family!

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Why Glass Fencing Looks Better Mon, 14 Aug 2017 11:18:57 +0000 /?p=449 You probably think that *any old fence* will be fine around your home, it will keep people out, prevent people from falling off your balcony, staircase or getting into your...

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You probably think that *any old fence* will be fine around your home, it will keep people out, prevent people from falling off your balcony, staircase or getting into your pool. The good news is, depending on WHERE you plan to use fencing there is nothing as versatile, or as sexy as glass fencing.

There are some great reasons to install glass fencing –

  • With glass fencing you get 10mm or 12mm toughened glass panels that are made to Australian standards that can stand up to not only the weather but everyday family use as well. Frameless panels are secured to the ground with sturdy steel blocks, while semi-frameless is connected by vertical posts to give you some extra *peace of mind*
  • As we all know – glass is transparent – so even if you opt for semi-frameless you can still enjoy uninterrupted views of your surroundings. This safety barrier is practically invisible so you can still keep an eye on the kids in the pool, or enjoy the views, still with the security that a fence brings you.
  • Glass panel fencing is practically maintenance free, all you need to do is give it a wipe over every now and then to keep it looking just like new. Unlike other types of fencing around the home glass won’t rot, fade, discolour or need painting, sanding or scraping – this leaves you free to enjoy your fence all year round, knowing that it’s going to stay looking as good as it did on the day it was installed.
  • Glass fencing looks cool, there is nothing as sleek on a summer day than glass surrounding your pool, the sun reflecting off the water, or enjoying drinks on your balcony watching the sun go down. Glass blends in perfectly with its surroundings, so if you need to update your existing fencing – why not get the best you can.

Frameless and semi-frameless fencing is not only impressive, but secure as well. It can make any home look more modern and inviting while still providing safety for your family and guests.


Why Glass Fencing Looks Better For Fencing


Just because a fence is made from glass, doesn’t mean it is dangerous, flimsy or easily broken. Frameless and semi-frameless glass panels are made from thick, toughened glass with rounded edges. All panels are made to conform with Australian standards – you cannot buy better looking safer glass. If you are concerned about children running or falling through it, or it being damaged in a storm – resulting in shattered glass everywhere, don’t be, glass fencing holds up to just about anything.

Frameless glass fencing IS what it says it is – fencing that doesn’t have a frame. There are no posts that hold the glass in place. The panels are fixed at the bottom with invisible placers. Each panel of glass is lined up with the next one to provide a smooth and seamless looking fence, that has no frame to block your view.

Around your pool glass fencing allows you to look straight into the pool area, you can see where the kids are and what is happening easily, with nothing to block your view. It is a sophisticated and modern way to decorate your pool area and your home, ensuring your home and pool is safe for your family and visitors.

Frameless and semi-frameless fencing adds value to your home, if you are looking to sell now, or plan to somewhere down the track, you’ll find you get more money for your home with glass fencing in place than with any other style of fencing. Buyers will love the clean lines, the elegance, the modern and sophisticated look glass brings. If you want to add value to your home, along with safety, elegance and class, semi-frameless and frameless glass pool fencing sydney is the way to go.

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