Best Supplements for Weight Loss

WEIGHT LOSS supplements

Losing weight is one of those problematic things we have to deal with as we grow old. It becomes harder to maintain the lean, well-toned body, especially with current dietary traits. In the fast paced world of today, most people find that they consume more fast food than they would like, purely due to the convenience of ordering in. This contributes heavily to improper weight gain, particularly in problem areas such as the thighs, back, and around the tummy. Foods such as fried chicken, French fries, and pastries such as cake and croissants, are mostly to blame.

Weight gain, coupled with the wave of health consciousness that is currently taking over Australia are the reasons why more people are looking to shed the extra kilos and exercise more. Exercise alone however cannot help you shed the weight, or maintain your preferred weight. It needs to be undertaken together with a radical dietary shift. This means healthy eating, focussing mainly on certain proteins, healthy carbs, and of course, vegetables and fruits. To help with weight loss, there are certain supplements that have been known to be highly effective. Here is a quick look at supplements that you should add to your weight loss diet:

Best Supplements for Weight Loss

Whey Protein

This is a one of those dietary supplements that gym rats swear by. However, it is important to note that whey protein does a whole lot more than just help with building huge muscles. Whey protein has been found to help with weight loss when incorporated into the diet, with results being as high as 5 kilos within a couple of months alone. People who drank one whey protein shake every day lost more weight than those that tried other sources of proteins such as soy protein shakes.

The way the whey protein diet works is by both helping you build muscles while supressing your appetite as well. Muscle growth increases your body’s metabolism, and by extension, increases your ability to burn fat. By suppressing your appetite, your urge to eat unhealthy foods is also contained. Whey protein products such as Cellucor Whey are best consumed in tandem with an exercise routine. It could be as nonchalant as a long walk every day or a more intense cardio program.


This is actually a naturally occurring amino acid in the body. It is found abundantly in the muscles, helping repair them. This in turn helps you maintain a healthy tummy region while keeping your blood sugar stable.  The levels produced in the body are however not enough to contribute comprehensively to any weight loss endeavour. When taken as a supplement however, it helps with increasing glucose metabolism. This reduces the levels of excess glucose, which the body stores as fat.


Caffeine is known for that jolt of energy it gives at the start of the day. It has however been linked to a host of other benefits, including helping lower the risk of certain cancers, and of course, weight loss. The way this works, is that caffeine helps your body break down the large molecules through oxidation, for the body to use as energy. It also increases the level of activity in people, causing them to consume more energy. The more active they are, the better their body works to burn fat.

Green Tea Extract

To some, this sounds like one of those quack pitches that sell them false hope in the form of tea. This this extract, that could not be further from the truth.  Green tea extract however is an excellent supplement for anyone who is looking to lose some weight. It works by helping to increase the oxidation of fat, while also stimulating thermogenesis in brown adipose tissue (These are special fat cells that increase your metabolism). The key ingredient is the extract’s phytochemicals, particularly ECGC (epigallocatechin gallate). Studies have shown that when ECGC is taken in low doses, it helps increase your body’s fat oxidation by as much as 33%!

It should be noted though that this product does contain caffeine for those that may have some caffeine sensitivity.


This strange sounding supplement is a type of fibre that is found in the root of a certain plant called the Elephant Root. The way this works is that glucomannan has a high water absorption and retention rate. This then sits in your stomach for a while, ensuring that you feel full and therefore consume less food. It has been found to be highly effective, especially when combined with healthy eating habits. People have been known to lose as much as 3 to 5 kilos in as little as 5 weeks. Other benefits of this supplement include helping lower blood sugar, cholesterol, and helping in alleviating constipation.

People embarking on a glucomannan diet should know that it can cause bloating and flatulence.


This is another fibre that has been known to help with weight loss. It is also called shark cartilage, and comes from the exoskeletons of crustaceans and insects. The research on chitosan is still not concrete, but studies have shown that people who had consumed it twice a day with food had a lower BMI and a lower body fat level as well. They also had fewer occurrences of flatulence and bloat. It should be noted however that this is not a magical answer to all your weight loss questions, but instead works just like any fibre, and increases metabolism while keeping you fuller for a longer time.

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About the Author: Bayazid Bostami

As a professional blogger he always tries to contribute to the online community and sharing ideas to the people.