Handling a Dripping Toilet

How to Handle a Dripping Toilet

A dripping toilet can be a major annoyance, especially if it never seems to want to stop! It can also lead to a big waste of water so you should…

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Why Climbing Activities are So Loved by Kids

Why Climbing Activities are So Loved by Kids

Grandparents (and some parents) love to say how today’s kids are weak. They call them pampered and spoiled because their noses are constantly stuck in electronics. Lots of little ones…

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How to make your pool unique

How to Make Your Pool Unique

Owning a pool is a huge investment whether you have an in-ground or an above ground pool. A pool gives you and your family and friends a common area where…

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How Long Does It Take to Build An Above Ground Pool

How Long Does It Take to Build An Above Ground Pool

Everybody wants a pool. It might be because you love to swim, and you want the convenience taking a dip on a sunny day. It keeps the kids entertained, and…

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Tips For Keeping Your Fireplace And Fire *Clean*

It’s winter, the sun sets *early*, and then that cold night air descends. What better way to enjoy being indoors in winter than with a nice warm fire. If you…

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8 Secret Things You Didn't Know About Travertine

8 Things You Didn’t Know About Travertine

One of the most popular flooring options today is travertine. When you think of stereotypical sand-coloured blocks, you’re probably visualising this material. While modern and technologically treated, it gives off…

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Why Glass Fencing Looks Better

Why Glass Fencing Looks Better

You probably think that *any old fence* will be fine around your home, it will keep people out, prevent people from falling off your balcony, staircase or getting into your…

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How to Look After Your Roller Shutters

When you have roller shutters added to your home, you know you are adding, not only safety to your home but a valuable investment as well. Roller shutters reduce noise,…

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Leather VS Fabric Lounge

Leather Lounge VS Fabric Lounges

What’s the most important thing you look for in a couch? Do you want it to anchor the décor of your entire room, or do you want a cushy piece…

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8 tips to make your firewood last longer this winter

Firewood is a great way to keep warm on cold nights and chilly months. It’s a natural heating option that is both organic and environmentally friendly, since it doesn’t emit…

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