Christmas Gift Ideas for Him

Christmas Gift Ideas for Him

The holiday cheer is coming in. You have a party set for the holidays, and you want your gift to be extra special this year. What would be the best gift for your boyfriend? Or your husband?

Contrary to the usual belief that men are only into gadgets and cars, men can appreciate a lot of other things. Some of them could be simpler than you thought. But first, look at what your bloke is into. Is he into pens? Watches? His mobile phone? His car? Is he into growing a beard? Is he a coffee lover? Is he a tea lover? Does he keep a journal?


If this bloke is someone who couldn’t work without an ample dose of coffee or tea in the morning and the afternoon, consider gifting him a basket containing different varieties of coffee beans and tea leaves. You can also gift him a stylish mug or a non-spill, convenient canister he could use when he needed coffee while driving.

Christmas Ideas for him- Caffeine



Wherever you are in the world, men would never turn down good beer, wine, and food. These three things, when combined, not only tone down the senses, but also open up people so it is easier to mingle with other people and meet new people. Bring in a basket of goodies or bring a good bottle of aged wine or a crate of beer on the day you have that Christmas get-together.

Christmas Ideas for him- Alcohol



If he is someone who likes good clothes, make an effort to look at which style he is into. Is he someone who likes casual clothes? Formal clothes? Is he someone who would always wear a suit? Is he someone who most likely wear a polo shirt, or a T shirt?

If he is a person who would most likely wear a business attire on any given day, consider gifting him cufflinks or a tie. If you would want to gift him a belt or a shirt, make sure you know what his sizes are or to ask the cashier for a gift stub he could use that to have the item exchanged if the size couldn’t fit.

Christmas Ideas for him- Apperal



There are men who kept a journal to keep track of their day and organize their thoughts. Take a peek at the end pages of his journal. Is he the kind of a journal user who prefers the papers are dotted, lined, or plain? Observe him while he is writing on the journal. Is he someone who would use colored pens or someone who would stick to one color? If he uses only one color, then does he prefer using a blue pen or a black pen?

If his journal is something he would fill with stick notes, then add it on your gift. If he uses a ruler or other writing instruments regularly, then add them on your things-to-buy list, too.

Christmas Ideas for him- Stationary


If you are concerned about the texture of your husband’s skin, then this is the moment for you introduce a skincare routine to him. Skincare isn’t solely for the benefit of women. Skincare is made to take care of the skin. The fact that your man has skin just means he also needs it.

Try the skin test on him. After he had gone through a day, look at how oily or dry his skin was. Oily skin, may it be on a man or a woman, would look exactly how it was labelled: oily. If your hand is sticking on his face, then you know it’s oily. If his skin felt scaly, then his skin is dry.

Christmas Ideas for him- Skincare


All people appreciate a holiday. If your boyfriend is someone who loves spontaneity, organise a getaway without him knowing. Arrange a date on a day he would be home, and tell him over breakfast you actually bought yourself and him a ticket to another state and that you have prepared everything (this is just an example; you could go anywhere, really).

If your boyfriend is someone who prefers to plan things ahead of time then give him a coupon you both could use when he is available. This way, he will be prompted to push back his future meetings so you could use the coupon.

Christmas Ideas for him- Holiday


Gift him a watch if he is a collector of watches. Even if he is someone who is not really into watches, then maybe you might influence him to like watches if you choose a good watch for him. People use watches to look at the time. Most people nowadays have forgotten how to read the time on a watch since it is easier to read the time using a mobile phone. If you want him to stop that habit, then this is the time for you to make him break it.

Christmas Ideas for him- Watch



Buy your husband new kitchenware if he is the master chef of the home. Look at his work area in the kitchen. Which tools, cookware, or containers are he still missing? Did he mention needing a container for the spices? Is he having trouble with the food processor? Buying new kitchenware also cost money, so he would appreciate if you would take off some of that burden from him.

If you are bold and also have a good stash of money, consider having your kitchen remodelled for him while he is away for a few weeks, or replace his broken stove or ovens with a new one.

Christmas Ideas for him- Kitchenware


Anything Leather

Leather could mean a belt, a wallet, a watch, a jacket, a bag, or shoes. Some men prefer wearing leather as it could easily match any apparel and still look stylish no matter what the occasion. Opt to gift him a wallet if he is someone who likes to change his wallet according to his mood.

If he is someone who likes shoes, make sure you get the right size or to get a gift stub so he could have the item exchanged if it is not the right fit. Leather is stylish and easy to maintain compared with those made of fabrics. It could be a good investment as leather will last longer than other materials.

Christmas Ideas for him- Leather

Be Creative

Some men appreciate handcrafted items. If you’re good with creating items, opt for the cheapest yet most loving way of gifting someone. Customize his items with your own design, or repurpose them to create a new item.

If your creativity involves creating new furniture, improve the organisation of his cabinets or his closet. Make him something he could place on his shelves to make them more attractive yet organized. Your man will appreciate whatever gift you may give him, because, really, men appreciate their women’s gift as long as it comes from the heart!

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About the Author: Devran Celik