Cleaning Tips for the Christmas Holidays

Cleaning Tips for the Christmas Holidays

It’s the Christmas season, and while cleaning probably isn’t on the top of your to-do list, it is something you need to do, especially if your home is the *designated Christmas destination* this year.

It’s now or never, time to stand up, grab your cleaning products and get your house into shape for your guests. After all you want to work in and provide a nice clean space for all your guests.


If you haven’t already started, there will be a lot of activity going on in your kitchen – all that cooking and baking, it’s one of the busiest rooms in your house, and it’s one of the rooms that gets dirty – fast! To start, work at the highest point in the room and work your way down.

  • Clean the outside of your kitchen cabinets
  • Clean your back-splash or walls with warm soapy water or a 50/50 mix of vinegar and water solution
  • Clean your fridge, do it now before it becomes full of Christmas food, wine and beer. Take out all the food and bottles, check use-by dates and throw out anything that is past or is near its best-before date. Clean and organise your shelves, and then clean the outside of your fridge.
  • Clean any dirt and grime from your stove and stove top
  • Clean all the benchtops – remove EVERYTHING, wipe and then tidy up, you may find you have cleared some space!
  • Sweep and wash your floors

Spare room/guest room

If you are set to have overnight or more *long-term* house guests go through the room thoroughly and get it ready. Dust the room from top to bottom, vacuum the floors thoroughly (after all you may not have set foot in this room for weeks), clean the windows, make the bed with nice fresh, clean sheets. If the room has become a *dumping ground* take the time to put things away properly, have a sort out, throw away anything you no longer need.

Why not make up a little *guest basket* – just add to the basket a few little things you think will help them feel more welcome and relaxed. A bath towel, hand towel, face washer, new tooth brush, toothpaste, hand lotion, soaps, even some shampoo.

Living room/family room

With the upcoming holidays it’s time to give this room a full and proper clean – it’s time to dust and vacuum, and clean the windows. Take the time to move some of the furniture out of the way and vacuum under tables and chairs.

Games Room

If you have a games room in your home, or you have a designated bar area, it’s time to give it the once-over. Rooms like this are going to be very popular, especially with your male guests, standing around, having a beer, playing pool. If you have any spills, fingerprints etc. it all needs to go. Check glasses for dust and wash anything that is looking *grubby*. Vacuum or mop your floors and give the bar a good wipe over – you can use warm water, warm soapy water or a 50/50 mix of vinegar and water, it all depends on how dirty/sticky your bar has become. Make sure you have lots of coasters on hand for your guest to use, nothing looks worse on a bar than all those left behind *glass rings*

  • Remove any dirty dishes
  • Look for any leftover food scraps
  • Clean the inside and outside of the bar fridge
  • Top up the bar with beer and wine


Generally, bathrooms don’t take long to clean, especially if you have a *half bathroom* downstairs that all your guests will be using.

  • Fill the hand basin with some warm soapy water, and just a drop of dishwashing liquid (you don’t need much) – use a sponge or cleaning rag to wipe over the walls and outside of any cabinets
  • Drain the sink and then clean it with your regular cleaner
  • Clean the toilet – the top of the cistern, the sides and underneath, when you clean the bowl, also clean outside the bowl and around the bottom edges
  • Mop and clean your floor

These are some of the most popular spaces that will be in use during the Christmas holidays, and once you get these done, you are ready to start decorating and cooking and counting down the days till Santa arrives.

If you are too busy doing these things, contact with a professional cleaning company for this Christmas holiday!

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About the Author: Devran Celik