Decoding Sexual Satisfaction

last longer in bed

What is sexual satisfaction?

Sexual satisfaction is the act of full filling a desire until you are in a state of contentment. This may be varied according to the individual, but the general consensus is that both parties involved orgasm and collapse into each other’s arms if you believe what we are taught in the movies.

However, we live in the real world and these dramatized romantic depictions are often not an accurate representation of real life. Certain setbacks and constraints can affect our ability to perform in bed and thus affect our ability to sexually satisfy.

The act of penetration is not the only way to please your lover and send them screaming for the high heavens. Sexual satisfaction can be obtained by using many different techniques and its very important to listen to your lover’s needs, wants, and desires and bring the spark back into your love life.

The broad subject of sexual satisfaction is almost impossible to decode as everyone’s sexual desires and personal kinks differ and what may send someone in waves of multiple orgasms may leave someone else feeling uneasy and awkward.

Although this subject is broad, there are many common denominators involved. Arousal. Sexual arousal is essential in sexual satisfaction. Arousal is the act of provoking the senses in your sexual partner. This covers almost everything from flirting to foreplay and anything that will get your lovers heart beating faster and stimulate their sexual appetite.

However, since the arrival of the internet and access to a diverse array of content people’s sexual appetites have evolved and become more niche. People are reaching out online to their peers and finding that they are not the only ones with so-called ‘irregular kinks”. For the example, Acrotomophilia is the term for people who are aroused by amputees and these people have the ability to find and connect with each and satisfy their off-kilter sexual needs.

Anasteemaphilia is the arousal of a person’s body size. Usually either dwarves or very large people. These are just a few of the abnormal kinks out there, the internet is full of them and is a great source for likeminded people to connect and full fill their strange sexual desires.

But if you are more of a traditionalist you might be a little more by the book. Don’t get me wrong when I say, traditionalist, I don’t mean sex with the lights out and missionary only. I’m talking about natural sex between two people without the aid of different kinks in place.

First things first:

last longer sex

Get to know your partner

You and your sexual partner should playfully talk about what each other wants and what feels good. Communication is the key to a healthy sexual relationship. If you’re mid-coitus and something feels good, let your partner know, tell them, or cry out in sheer ecstasy. The act of communication during sex not only act as a pleasure gauge but will also stimulate your partner and promote uninhibited sexual ambiance. You should be comfortable and confident in your own body as this will help your partner feel the same. Awkward people and environments promote an awkward sexual experience and detract and distract you from reaching climax.

Take your time

Sex is fun, so why rush it? Take the time to set the mood, make your bedroom, or wherever you choose to have sex, an inviting comfortable zone, one that is going to be conducive to a night of lovemaking. Don’t rush things. Take it slow and build. Start by caressing each other, gently stroking each other. Kissing on the neck and back. Explore each other’s bodies and find each other’s individual erogenous zones.  Always observe your partner’s reactions while exploring to ensure that you know exactly the right buttons to push.

After you have worked each other into a frenzy, hold off on having intercourse until you’re both in overdrive. Anticipation and build-up often leads to a more explosive and satisfying climax.

During intercourse don’t be afraid to experiment. Experimenting is a good way to find out what you like and don’t like and the interplay between you and your partner will bring you closer sexually, as you are traveling on the same journey. This is the path to a healthy and satisfying sexual relationship.

Generally speaking, decoding sexual satisfaction is almost impossible as everyone is unique and each person is turned on in different areas in different ways. Ultimately, the end goals are for you and your partner to be both sexually satisfied and therefore communication is vital to a healthy sexual relationship.

Take your time and talk to your partner, this will bring you closer together and result in a lively, vibrant sex life and ensure that you and your partner will enjoy each more and maintain a healthy, long-lasting relationship both emotionally and physically. Its super fun to practice, and if it’s not you’re probably doing it wrong.


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About the Author: Varun Rana