Does My Business Need a Catalogue?

Brochure designs

A good catalogue will help build your brand and is therefore central to have for your business and one of the best direct marketing channels as it has the power to reach potential customers like no other sales tool. Furthermore, the print medium is a great reliable way to sustain the relationship with a customer, as it is a memorable and valuable piece to keep and see how the company developed its brand building.

Even though we live in an era of digital marketing, catalogues are as important than ever for marketing a brand. Hence investing in good brochure design is essential for every business and company, as it is the best way to get their product or services in front of people. A catalogue is something tangible for potential customers to hold on to and can easily get passed on or shown to family and friends for second thoughts. The prospectus will sell products right off the page and is designed to communicate your business on the market as well as grab tangible attention. A good catalogue will also communicate the personality of your company and its proposal. Hence, great catalogue design can drive your sales as it influences buying decisions by potential customers.

Big brands have learnt that publishing a catalogue does not only boost sales but can have multiple purposes as the print medium can include education, new products and deliver detailed prices in a popular and user-friendly way. It will assist the customer to make an informed decision when buying.

Brochure designer

Several big retailers already use the medium to mail their catalogue as a tactic to gain new prospective clients and the market continues to grow all over Australia as catalogues make up about 60% of print advertising in this country. The sales volume that can be achieved through catalogue marketing makes up to one-third of the total sales volume and studies have shown that 8 out of 10 purchases have resulted out of viewing a catalogue as they are a trusted source of relevant information and are often looked through for further reference. Multi-channel shopping has been on the rise and Australia’s biggest companies state that customers who have a multi-channel relationship with them will spend four times as much as those who didn’t receive a catalogue first.

In digital times, catalogues are furthermore the ideal way to reach customers offline and the best way to improve sales is a mix of online and offline marketing tools. It is also possible to make the potential customer go to your website or social platform to mix marketing channels and methods. Having several marketing strategies is vital for your business success and catalogues play well in that area along with email campaigns, online advertisements and well-designed websites, which all add to the branding of your product and to the buying experience.

The handout will not only enlarge your business name but your brand. This piece of a handout is a great way to keep in touch with the customers and stay in mind about your product or service. A detailed prospectus is furthermore a great way for the public to compare prices on the competitive market.

If you are still not convinced about this great sales tool, give a catalogue designer a call and let them persuade you from their work. A qualified brochure designer will make sure that your print media will be used for high-quality marketing using background stories, attractive layout and high-quality print to bring your brand philosophy and identity across next to the products you want to sell.


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About the Author: Varun Rana