Expert Zine Thu, 15 Nov 2018 11:01:41 +0000 en-AU hourly 1 Expert Zine 32 32 How A High Protein Diet Will Help You Meet Your Fitness Goal Tue, 13 Nov 2018 17:45:55 +0000 /?p=1318 To help you meet your personal fitness goal, a diet high in protein is essential for many reasons. Especially if you’re working out to gain some extra muscle mass, you...

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To help you meet your personal fitness goal, a diet high in protein is essential for many reasons. Especially if you’re working out to gain some extra muscle mass, you need fuel for your body and the right amount of protein intake is vital as the nutrient contains chains of amino acids which support the building of muscle tissue. Protein also helps you if you are exercising to drop a size, as it is dense and the body needs to work harder to digest it. This means more calories are burnt in the process of absorption. Furthermore, does the nutrient keep your blood sugar level stable, hence you will experience fewer food cravings over a longer period of time which may result in eventual weight loss.


Since most essential proteins are provided by food and you are exercising hard, you should make sure to include enough dairy products, eggs, fish and meat in their daily diet as well as nuts, seeds, fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Even though animal foods are a source of good protein, you should eat a variety of plant-based proteins as well to get all essential amino acids your body needs when training towards your fitness goal.


It is long known that especially athletes who include a lot of weightlifting into their exercise need a higher protein intake than the average individual since their muscles need to be repaired after the break down during exercise. When working out tough, your muscles are extremely challenged and are in need of recovery. To encourage a healthy process of repairing, your body requires plenty of amino acids, one of the reasons why a lot of athletes take in protein after exercise to provide nutrition for speedy recovery. Taking in proteins shortly after a workout is furthermore associated with a decrease in muscular soreness and overall fewer medical visits.


Protein not only repairs the damage done to the muscle fibres but also promotes muscle growth at the same time and the reason, why so many bodybuilders watch their protein diet closely. For muscle repair and steady growth, such athletes are required to take in almost 50 percent more than the average person, who requires about 0.74 grams of protein per kilo of their body weight. For that reason, people who are looking to build some muscle mass are recommended up to 1.7 grams of protein per kilo of bodyweight, hence a 75kg bodybuilder should have a protein intake of about 114 grams per day. To help you figure out the amount of protein in cooked meat to help you fix your dinner tonight, there are roughly 7 grams of protein contained in 30 grams of chicken meat, which means an 85-gram piece of breast provides about 21 grams of protein.


A lot of athletes feel they do not get enough protein from their diet alone and turn to supplements such as protein shakes or bars after exercise to get the recommended intake to help them reach their fitness goal. If you are looking for a supplement that helps you build extra muscles fast, Gold Standard Whey is the perfect protein supplement to turn to. Whey is a protein that is digested easily by most people and the popular powder comes in various delicious flavours such as Cookies & Cream, Rocky Road or Vanilla Ice Cream. Mixed with your preferred beverage, Gold Standard Whey is a prime choice for post-workout protein shakes. The high-quality product benefits from added branched chained amino acids to help boost your internal protein production and enables you to recover faster from workouts.


If you don’t feel like mixing yourself a shake but are out for a protein boost on the go that is densely packed with nutrition, high in fibre and protein but low in carbs and does not come as a sugary treat in disguise, look no further. Quest bars are the protein bars to turn to not only for their reputation of being the best tasting protein bars on the market but because of their convenience. Quest bars are small and can be consumed quickly by active people who lack the time for extensive meal planning. Contrary to shakes, these protein bars do not require measuring and mixing but can be eaten on the go by athletes who are given the choice between delicious flavours such as Apple Pie, Cinnamon Roll or White Choc Raspberry.

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The Best Supplements for Weight Gain

Effective Tips To Lose Baby Weight After Pregnancy

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Times When You Definitely Need to Call an Emergency Plumber Tue, 06 Nov 2018 09:52:52 +0000 /?p=1308 Plumbing problems can easily be fixed with home solutions. The plunger is one of the most important plumbing tools to have in the house. Most problems can be prevented or...

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Plumbing problems can easily be fixed with home solutions. The plunger is one of the most important plumbing tools to have in the house. Most problems can be prevented or fixed with a plunger, but some cannot. Here are some of the plumbing problems that may force you to call an emergency plumber.

Clogged sinks

Clogged sinks occur when water refuses to drain or when it drains very slowly.The result is overflowing sinks. The problem is often unbearable and tedious. Unfortunately, a clogged sink means you can’t wash your dishes, brush your teeth or wash your hands. The problem makes daily activities impossible.  A plunger may come in handy but it’s not always useful. If the water doesn’t drain, one can use an Augerinstead of a plunger. If it the problem persists, a plumber has to be called. Plumbers are experts at unblocking clogged sinks.

Clogged toilets

A clogged toilet can make a house uninhabitable. It’s a bad sight, that is both cumbersome and a real health risk. A plunger should feature in your first attempt to fix the problem. The plunger pushes air into the draining pipes forcing down any causing the blockage. Once the clog is fixed one should flush the toilet to completely clear the drains. If the water doesn’t drain or if the entire process looks cumbersome, an emergency plumber is the best option. Plumbers are equipped with all the necessary tools for unblocking toilets. Therefore don’t stay with a clogged toilet, call in the experts.

Leaking pipes

Leaks are a sign of impending damages. Leaky faucets and toilets cause rustingof pipes which weakens the structural integrity. The leaks also form a breeding ground for moulds that give a discomforting sight.  The sound from a leaking pipe is also irritating and can cause sleepless nights. An emergency plumber can fix leaks and put your plumbing in order.

plumbing problems

Burst pipes

An emergency plumber should be called immediately if a pipe bursts. Burst pipes cause excessive loss of water and increase the water bills exponentially. Moreover, the excessive water leaving burst pipes may collect in the house or in your backyard. Consequently, your residence may become uninhabitable. Immediately you notice any signs of a burst, call the plumber before the problem becomes worse. If the burst is from drain pipes or sewage pipes, your response should be swift due to the health risks such bursts pose.

Identifying a burst may be problematic since some can occur out of sight. One of the signs you should look out for is low pressure in your taps. This could be as a result of a hidden burst in your plumbing. Bursting pipes may be due to physical damage during construction. Tree roots may also wrap around the weak points of your water pipes or sewer lines causing the pipes to burst. Another cause is to corrosion. In any case, one should take precaution in case you notice any signs. Call the plumber and minimize damages by protecting the items in your house. Burst pipes can release 100 gallons over 8 hours, therefore, it’s important to respond fast.

Leaking water heater

A leak in your hot water supply can cause property damage and high power bills. A leaky water valve can be replaced but if the entire wall of the heater is rusty, the whole heater needs replacement. A professional plumber can quickly fix the problem and restore the hot water supply in your residence. A leaking water heater can turn the hot water in your shower ice cold. Some faults can make the water too hot. With a plumber a call away, the problem can be assessed and fixed before heavy losses are incurred.

Gas leaks.

Gas leaks are dangerous. When thereis a gas leak vacate the building and call a professional plumber or the gas company immediately. In case of a gas leak, your first response should be to turn off all the gas valves, disconnect the pipes from the main supply and put out any flames in the house. If the leak continues, do not waste time trying to find it. Professional plumbers are fully-equipped to find and fix gas leaks. They take all the precautions to avoid any accidents during their repairs. If the leak is serious the gas company may get involved to ensure the safety of you and your property.

It’s important to have an emergency line for your plumber. Some plumbing problems require immediate attention and waiting only makes them worse.


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Can you be too old to fix crooked teeth? Thu, 25 Oct 2018 04:04:10 +0000 /?p=1302 Ask any dentist and they’ll say no, but there’s a lot more to it, and it’s not just a yes / no thing. Lots of other factors come into play....

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Ask any dentist and they’ll say no, but there’s a lot more to it, and it’s not just a yes / no thing. Lots of other factors come into play. For example, why are your teeth crooked? In the past we assumed it’s because we didn’t have access to health care as youngsters. Dental treatment is fairly expensive, and many insurance plans don’t cater to your teeth. Also, dentists have a phobia-inducing reputation, so we mostly avoid them.

For many adults, the first time they visited a dentist was when they experienced wisdom tooth impaction. At that point, your teeth are already crooked, and you’ve accumulated a lifetime of dental problems. So any good dentist looks at the impaction, but they also point out all the other things that are wrong with your dental health. And as an adult who stayed away from dentists for this very reason … itonly reinforces your fear.

From your perspective, you avoided the dentist because the instruments are scary, treatment really hurts, and you fork out a lot of cash. Visiting for dental surgery does nothing to assuage that. (You often need surgery to correct impaction, because your dentist has to anaesthetise you, pull back the fleshy gum tissue, dig into your jaw bone, split it open, and pull out the mis-positioned tooth.) So any other problem the dentist mentions feels like more money and more pain. You’re unlikely to come back.

Plan for your teeth

On the other hand, if you have a good dental insurance plan, or if you’ve invested in your smile, then you have more options. You could get braces, or you could take out the crooked teeth and replace them with titanium implants. Each of these options has contra-indications beyond cost, and the corrective measures taken on your teeth will really depend on what warped them in the first place.

If your teeth are twisted on account of an injury, they can easily be extracted and replaced with implants. For many people though, their dental formula arose from a poor diet in childhood. Dr. Steven Lin theorises that all our teeth problems are linked to under-developed jaw bones. Because the jaw is too small, your teeth are squashed as they erupt, making them crooked. And by the time your molars appear, they’re forced to dig into your gums, hence impaction and extraction.

Modern dentistry can repair these types of problems if they’re caught early enough. For example, laser dentistry is recommended for soft tissue repair, so if you catch your wisdom tooth on its way out, your dentist can use lasers to pull back or remove the offending gum tissue, leaving your wisdom teeth room to erupt in a less painful manner. Also, a childhood diet rich in vitamins A, D, and K – as well as foods with bite (celery, carrots, bony meat) will enable your jaw to grow adequately. This allows your teeth to stay straight and pretty.

Braces vs implants

As for the rest of your crooked teeth, specialised braces can take care of that. Conventional braces are worn by teens and tweens. Their teeth are still growing, so their ‘railway lines’ push them into place, corralling new ones as they arrive. These braces are worn for two years or more, squeezing your smile into place. They don’t work as well for older patients, because their teeth have stopped growing, so all the metal in the world won’t twist them into place. There’s an alternative though – invisible braces. They sound magic, and in a way, they are.

For one thing, you can barely see them except when there’s a camera flash (#selfie) – and in such cases, your invisibles appear as an extra glimmer in your grin – the flash bounces off them, adding sparkle to your smile. They’re easier to look after than traditional braces, because you can remove them when you want to eat, brush, or kiss. You should keep them in when you sleep though, that’s when they do their best work because growth mostly happens during sleep. Invisible braces (sometimes called aligners) work faster than traditional ones.

You only have to keep them in for 6 months to a year, depending on the condition of your teeth and the recommendation of your dentist. And while regular braces are preferred before your permanent teeth come in, invisible braces are more effective on mature teeth.  They’re advised for use after the age of 16 and all the way into adulthood, so they’re ideal for elderly patients. Of course if you’re unwilling to swap your aligners every two weeks, implants are good too. Their titanium base is fused to your jaw over a period of months, then porcelain crowns are layered on top, so they look like natural, sparkling, straight, stain-proof teeth.

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The Lifting Pusher is on The Rise Wed, 24 Oct 2018 14:14:34 +0000 /?p=1299 The Australian Trucking industry has experienced significant growth in the past few years with leading global brands scrambling to secure a stake of the market. The New and Used Truck...

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The Australian Trucking industry has experienced significant growth in the past few years with leading global brands scrambling to secure a stake of the market. The New and Used Truck landscape as well as sales of truck spares has risen exponentially due to heavy investment in the trucking industry Down Under. The distance of Australia from the main trucking production centres has led the leading truck and bus manufacturers to establish vehicle assembly, truck parts service centres in major locations around the country so as to support the growing demand.

The Lifting Pusher

Heavy commercial vehicles come in various sizes and have a wide range of wheel configurations. If you have ever paid close attention to a heavy commercial truck with multiple sets of wheels, you may have noticed that not all the wheels touch the ground at the same time. There is often a set of tyres that is raised above the ground unless the truck is fully loaded. This set of suspended tyres is referred to as a lifting axle. A lifting axle is an extra set of tyres that are used to balance out the weight of a truck when the payload exceeds a set tonnage.

When a truck has a light payload, the axle is lifted off the ground so as to save on fuel consumption and tyre wear as well as improve the maneuverability of the truck. Fuel economy basics teach that the more tyres you have on the road at a time, the more fuel your truck consumes.

Lifting axles are usually non-powered or ‘dead’ axles and their position in relation to the active or drive-train axle in a truck determines their name. A truck with lifting axles behind the drive-train axle is known as a Tag Axle while those with lifting axles in front of the drive-train axle are called Pushers.

Loading a heavy payload in a lifting pusher is easier than a tag axle because the extra weight in a pusher can be loaded into the centre of the truck while tag axles are located at the back of the truck and may not distribute the payload efficiently due to the overhang issues.

Lifting axles are very useful because most cargo trucks are only loaded to capacity more than half the time they are in operation. They often drive to a location empty, load and deliver a heavy cargo to its destination then drive back empty. In some cases, the cargo is not heavy enough to require the use of all axles. In these cases, the truck driver can push a button on the dashboard to lift the axle off the ground because it is not needed.

Another benefit of a lifting axle is that the truck owner can take advantage of the regulatory benefits of having a truck that can switch from 4X2 to 6X2 wheel configurations on demand. Australia recently passed some strict laws concerning heavy trucks restricting the allowable weight per axle. This is one of the regulations that have been praised for increasing the market demand for lifting axles Down Under. This way the truck owner can take both heavy and light jobs without having to worry but switching out trucks.

Most modern trucks are equipped with an interactive digital control panel mounted on the dashboard that monitors the trucks weight and either lowers the lifting axle automatically or alerts the driver to initiate the action depending on the settings laid out by the truck operators. It is advisable for the lifting axle to be lowered when the truck is being loaded and then raised before driving off in case it not needed. Some trucks have a manual mechanism to lower the lifting axle that is operated from outside the truck to prevent the driver from lifting and lowering the axle while driving.


Lifting pusher trucks are quickly gaining popularity in Australia due to their adaptability and versatility making it suitable for a wide range of applications. More and more truck producers are bringing their pushers to the country to capitalize on the high demand for this type of truck with Hino and DAF leading the way. This newly found national interest in pushers is a perfect example of how a restrictive policy can lead to the development and growth of a market solution where a niche product can become a household name.

Finally, with so many players in the Lifting Pusher Truck field, the customers will benefit from the competition of the truck suppliers. Truck spare parts will be readily available the major cities of the country along with high-quality vehicle service.

Read Also:

Hino Growth Continues in 2018

Some Of The Most Commonly Requested American Truck Parts In Sydney

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Why kids all love playsets Mon, 22 Oct 2018 23:08:12 +0000 /?p=1296 In decades past, kids were expected to be seen but not heard. They would go to school, then go outside and entertain themselves, as long as they were home for...

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In decades past, kids were expected to be seen but not heard. They would go to school, then go outside and entertain themselves, as long as they were home for dinner. At other points, they were used almost as fashion accessories, dressed in styles that mimicked their parents, or on fancy outfits that reflected well on their guardians – clean, neat, slicked back, and colour-coordinated. They were still expected to be silent though, at least around grown-ups.

Modern parenting is different. Kids spend a lot of time on their screens, and they have the space to verbally express themselves. It has both upsides and downsides – more grocery store tantrums, but also more entrepreneur-ing minors, and more teenage activism against guns, bullying, sexism, racism, and other social ills. And because our kids are growing up – some would say too fast – we often forget they’re still children who just want to play.

Playing grown-up games

Kids’ playtime has always been a mimicry of the adult behaviour they’ve observed. So they’d play house, school, or shop-based games. Now they pick videogames where they role play as soldiers, animals, or characters with agency – adult characters. Even when their avatar has a child persona, that avatar has the rights and freedoms of a citizen over 21. It’s part of the appeal. And even when these kids get involved in activism and the like, they gamify it.

This in no way minimises their efforts or downplays their results – it’s simply an element of their thought process. And sometimes, this mature behaviour goes to the other extreme. It’s such an intellectual, mental, emotional pursuit that the kids may forget their need for … play. It doesn’t have to be childish, but it does need to be physical. After a day of signing petitions, picketing, and shooting YouTube videos, your hyper tween or angsty teen needs to de-stress.

Working off the angst

Playful physical activity is a good way to release the intensity of their day, and this matters at all ages. For infants and toddlers, it boosts their motor skills, literally helping them develop muscles and coordination to navigate the world. For older kids, it’s about exercising their muscles, but it’s also about regaining presence, focusing on their body instead of their minds. You could build them an outdoor gym like Urban Fit.

They’re designed for older teens, and adults can use them too. They basically consist of gym equipment reformatted for the outdoors. Your kids can practice their resistance training and get some weights work in, but because it’s playfully built and located in the open air, it feels light and relaxing rather than intense and punishing. It takes off the pressure of a conventional gym, but can be just as effective – maybe moreso – because of the access to sunshine and fresh air, and the absence of sweaty gym grunts.

Hanging out with friends

Playsets serve a motor function, training muscle coordination and improving physical ability. It gives kids something to do when you take away their screens, and reminds them there’s a wide, beautiful, non-digital world out there. But being ‘outside’ can be scary because it involves dealing with other human beings, and there’s no screen buffer. Making friends is hard at any age. Playsets can help with this. It’s an organic gathering place.

Mobile phones and tablets are a communication medium, and playsets are too, just a different kind. Children can learn to communicate and negotiate as they share a playset. Initially, they can use different parts of the playset, being near each other but not ‘with’ each other. They get comfortable non-verbally, absorbing lessons about body language and personal space. Then they can get into rudimentary exchanges as they bargain turns at the swing or slide. They acquire negotiation tactics and emotional intelligence.

It engages their bodies

Todays’ world – both for adults and kids – is relying increasingly on technology. Electric toothbrushes, self-driving cars, virtual musical instruments, stationary gym equipment, the internet of things. We’re using our bodies less and less, trying to substitute everything with its mental equivalent. Adults might prefer this, but kids still need to use their bodies. It’s part of the wonder of childhood – they enjoy moving their limbs and actively applying physicality. Playsets allow children to stay young. We often inadvertently impose maturity on them.

We make them babysit younger siblings, dress up ‘properly’, and take structured sports and hobbies for their (future) resumes and college applications. We also impose adult worries on them. It’s not deliberate, but our desire to keep them safe exposes their thinking to the evils of the world. Playsets are a space they can keep being kids. Their parents are watching, so they’re less worried about stranger-danger and playground accidents. With their parents feeling secure, the kids are free to stop worrying and just play.

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It’s Time to Select Your Summer Events, Do You Need New Banners? Sun, 21 Oct 2018 22:37:40 +0000 /?p=1293 The summer season is just around the corner and you know what that means. It’s festival season and a very busy time if you’re in the events and promotion game!...

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The summer season is just around the corner and you know what that means. It’s festival season and a very busy time if you’re in the events and promotion game! Selecting events that are well suited to your brand and the image that you are trying to create is crucial – and will impact on how the public perceives your brand.

There is a myriad of summer events such as music festivals, food festivals, sports events, and business and trade shows and it’s a very busy time of year all round. Selecting the right events for your brand will help promote and attach a positive public image to your company.

There are few things that must be taken into consideration when selecting events for your company to partake in and your exhibition display should be up to scratch to ensure your business is shining brightly and ahead of the pack. In this post, we will take an in-depth look at how to select events for your business and some exhibition display equipment that should be in your display kit.

Type of Event

Depending on the orientation and target market of your business will depend on which events you will select to promote business. If you’re in the business sector it’s hardly likely you would want to set up an exhibition at a dance music festival. The results would more likely be negative than positive as the ravers and festival goers are there to party and for the music, not to be given information on business applications and finance.

A trade show or job fair is more a better place for business displays. Sporting events are also great places to promote your company and using methods such as giveaways like water bottles or goodie bags is a great way to get your brand and name out there.

The Location

Depending on the nature of the business, whether it’s a web-based business or you have a shop front, the location of the event is important. If you’re based in Queensland and serving local customers it’s hardly a good idea to go to a trade show in Victoria. If your company is Australia-wide you pretty much have free range on locations and events to choose from. Although it is recommended choosing events that have large attendances that way you will be certain that you will get the traffic you require. Another one that people often skip over is regional events, which can be a cheaper way to reach a new audience.

Display Equipment

Display equipment plays a vital role when it comes time for the exhibition. Your display kit should contain everything required to put your best foot forward and it should clearly represent the values and logo of your brand. It might be time to upgrade your display kit as they have a tendency to fade and look tatty after a few years on the event circuit.

When purchasing your display set, keep in mind what kind of set up you will need and also the locations of your events will play a vital role in which banners will work. Some banners are better suited to indoors whereas some work better in the outdoors.

Retractable banners are must-have items in your display arsenal for a number of reasons. They are easy to transport and set up. They also have solid bases and standalone which makes them perfect for outdoor areas where tie off points can be scared. You should have at least four of these bad boys in your kit.

A media wall is another essential tool for this summer season and should clearly display your branding and message. There are many other types of banners and it’s good to get a variety of shapes and sizes so you can create an engaging display that will put your brand freshly in the minds of potential customers.

A little planning will save you time and stress in the long run. So, once you have selected your events, it’s time to start planning your display set up. Draw up a rough plan and get creative. It’s also a good idea to have a few extra banners in your kit just in case and it will also give you more freedom to be able to improvise on the fly.

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Gifts Ideas for Dad this Christmas Fri, 19 Oct 2018 11:29:27 +0000 /?p=638 Men often seem stoic and unconcerned about receiving gifts on birthdays, Father’s Day, or Christmas, but that doesn’t mean they don’t enjoy presents. You just have to pick the right...

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Men often seem stoic and unconcerned about receiving gifts on birthdays, Father’s Day, or Christmas, but that doesn’t mean they don’t enjoy presents. You just have to pick the right gift ideas. The viral video about a colour-blind dad who received EnChroma sunglasses proves the point. He was giddy to see colour for the first time in his life.

Get your dad the right gift this Christmas, and he may be every bit as floored as the dad in the video. Record him opening the gift, and you just might become a viral sensation of your own! Of course the present you select depends on the kind of person your father is.

Some dads will just be happy to have a quiet moment on the sofa with sports and beer, especially if he’s been crowded by noise and grandkids all weekend. For this dad, sequester him to the TV room on Game Day, keep everyone out of his way, and give him a cold beer.

Depending on his preferences, you could buy him a beer hamper filled with a selection of Aussie Craft beer or International beer. Each Christmas Gift hamper comes with five different bottles of branded beer, and savoury snacks to go with them. He’ll get crisps, nuts, dipping sauce and more, all for less than $100. And they’re classily packed in black.

For the teetotaller that loves to mess around in the kitchen, give him a chance to make a set of dad-only snacks with his very own Chilli Pepper kit. This package gives him all he needs to grow his kitchen garden chillies. That way, when he cooks, he can make sure his food is so spicy that no one else will touch it! Unless of course, you’re a family that loves their spice, in which case this gift will make dad the official house chef…

What if dad is feeling cooped up and wants to get out of the house? You could always organise a Daddy’s Day Out where he can go try his brand new portable grill. The Weber Go-Anywhere Gas Grill is perfect for a fishing trip, camp-out, or walkabout. And he can take his boys or go on his own, whichever he prefers.

This portable Weber has a porcelain enamel cooking plate for even distribution of heat, as well as a one-push ignition switch. Dad will love cooking his favourite cuts on this little gadget, whether he’s at home on the weekend or out driving with his boys. It could also be a good way to sneak in some bonding time with the sons and grandsons.

Don’t forget to include a few disposable gas cylinders with his gift, so that he can grill. They’re sold separately, and you should build up a good collection so that he has one whenever he needs it. It may help to add it to your routine grocery list. Get a gas pipe as well.

Speaking of tasty meat, every dad loves his pulled pork, unless of course, your faith requires halal or kosher diets. For most other dads – and everyone else – bacon rules, and pulled pork is a close second. So the next time dad asks you to make him a sandwich, get him in on the fun with this Pork Shredder.

This amazingly fun gadget will bring out his inner Wolverine while making your sandwich adventures that much easier. If anything, you’ll probably have too much meat because he’ll soon turn his new gift into a toy. By the end of Christmas, none of you may want to see shredded meat ever again!

The claws are dishwasher-safe, and you can repurpose them to shred other things too, like vegetables and turkey, though they’re probably too big for chicken. There’s an idea. Set dad a task to use his claws on the leftover poultry. It will keep him busy for a while, and if he can figure out how to shred the small pieces, all the better.

Boys and their toys are hard to pry apart, so one way to get dad to do his chores is to turn it into a game. Get him the type of gift that benefits you more than him. Over Christmas, you may occasionally need him to watch the little ones, so why not get them something they can use together? Remote controlled gadgets never go wrong, and little girls love them too.

Invest in a remote-controlled drone, helicopter, or race car. It will delight you to watch dad giggle like a little kid. Your only problem may be that the small ones never get a turn, so you might consider matching sets for the grandchildren, just to keep the peace.


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The Best Supplements for Weight Gain Wed, 17 Oct 2018 10:17:27 +0000 /?p=1284 People start exercising for a plethora of reasons: to lose excess weight, to tone muscle, to attain a feeling of general well-being, and even as a means of de-stressing after...

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People start exercising for a plethora of reasons: to lose excess weight, to tone muscle, to attain a feeling of general well-being, and even as a means of de-stressing after a long day. In addition to that, more and more individuals are hitting the gym in a bid to gain some weight. Contrary to popular belief, weight gain is not always bad. Sportspeople (especially those involved in contact sports) usually have diets and exercise regimens that not only increase their strength, but their masses as well. However, weight gain is not only for the people looking to improve their athleticism; weight gain can also improve one’s aesthetic by making them look more muscular and healthier.

When looking to gain weight, it is often a better strategy to gain more muscle mass than body fat. This is because increasing body fat usually results in adverse health effects in the long run. However, gaining muscle, though more rewarding, is usually harder. Your diet, exercise and lifestyle must all be oriented towards your goal of gaining weight. If these alone are not giving you maximal gains, then dietary supplementation may be an option worth considering.

While quite a bit of controversy still surrounds diet supplementation, it is clear, through numerous researches, that adding calories and proteins to your regimens can really propel you towards your goals. This does not mean that all supplements in the market are good for you, or that they are all even necessarily safe. However, great quality supplements can go a long way in helping you attain your weight and health goals. This article is thus directed towards guiding you towards the right supplements, so that you not only gain weight reliably, but also in a healthy way.


Protein Supplements

Gaining muscle mass is the best way to gain weight. Not only is it reliable, it is also healthy and generally beneficial to your well-being. Since proteins are the building blocks for muscles, you must ensure that your protein intake is optimal. However, it is worth noting that research has shown that increasing protein through supplementation only helps increase muscle mass in exercising adults whose daily protein intake is below the recommended threshold. Thus, if you are already consuming about 1.4-2.0 grams/kg of protein in your regular diet, protein supplements may not greatly improve your growth.

However, if you are not getting enough protein in your diet, then a protein supplement such as Quest Bars or Gold Standard Whey can help you increase muscle and thus gain weight. Of importance to note is that for your body to adequately utilise proteins, you are also required exercise regularly and also take in adequate calories daily.



Creatine is an organic compound found naturally in muscle cells. It is important in production of energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate and has been used a supplement by bodybuilders for many years. Creatine helps by improving muscle performance during exercise, as well as increasing strength. While many people have questioned the safety profile of this ubiquitous supplement, innumerable researches have shown that it is not only safe, but also very effective when one is looking to gain muscle mass.


Mass Gainers

One cannot simply talk about supplementing weight gain without venturing into the topic of weight gainers. These compounds are high calorie supplements that contain up to 252 grams of carbs and 50 grams of proteins in one serving. That means you will be taking in more than 1000 calories per serving of these mass gainers. They are usually made into shakes that can be drunk pre- or post-workout or even throughout the day. Mass gainers function similarly to eating a caloric surplus in your daily meals. It is however important to note that while weight gainers can be used to supplement daily diets, they are not better than actually increasing your intake of real food.


Exercise enhancers

Compounds or products that help you exercise harder and more efficiently may help you gain weight when coupled with good diet and/or an appropriate supplement. Caffeine (usually infused in shakes), citrulline and beta alanine are just a few of these exercise-enhancing supplements. They help you exercise harder (caffeine) and improve muscle perfusion (citrulline) and thus increase gains.

While all these supplements can help you make the gains you are aiming for, you should always ensure to consult your healthcare provider, your trainer (if you have one), as well adhere to the guidelines provided by the manufacturer. This will ensure that you get maximum benefits from whatever supplement regimen that you decide to use. All these plus more quality and genuine supplements can be found and bought from various certified stores and be used to propel your weight gain in the right way.

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Christmas Gifts That Are Sure to Please Tue, 09 Oct 2018 06:59:27 +0000 /?p=1279 The close of the year ushers in the season of gifting. Christmas is the most popular holiday season celebrated across the world. The spirit of Christmas compels people to appreciate...

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The close of the year ushers in the season of gifting. Christmas is the most popular holiday season celebrated across the world. The spirit of Christmas compels people to appreciate each other and spread love. Gift stores are usually flooded, and the exchange of gifts becomes a norm. For some, gifts are a celebration of the Christmas spirit while for others, they are an appreciation of their family or friends’ company throughout the year.No matter the reason, the fact remains that getting a perfect gift is always a key objective during the Christmas season.

The culture of gifting dates back to early civilisation. It was customary for visitors to carry gifts into new territories as a sign of peace. Kingdoms exchanged gifts to strengthen their unity and promote peace across their borders. Special occasions like marital unions and birthdays were also flooded with gifts,and the tradition has carried on till today. Gifts can vary in size, cost and type. Although most gift givers associate the cost of a gift with its value to the receiver, there is little correlation. Gifts are either given as practical objects or memorable experiences. It’s hard to decide which of the two is better but when it comes to gifts, it’s the thought that counts.

Choosing a gift is always difficult. The difference between gift givers and receivers makes the search for the perfect gift hamper Australia even more difficult. According to studies, gift givers tend to choose luxurious and lavish gifts while gift receivers prefer more practical gifts. None the less, gifts are central to interpersonal relationships. A gift shows appreciation, gratitude and love. If you are confused which gift to get this Christmas, consider getting a gift hamper. Gift hampers have been a popular selection for many years. Gift hampers allow you to have an array of items to present as a gift. Moreover, the gift is often big enough for the receiver to share with other people and uphold the Christmas spirit.

The most popular Christmas gift hampers have candy, wine and gift cards. Some come with pudding, biscuits or peanuts. The treats in gift hampers have been shown to not only strengthen interpersonal relationships but also deliver unique tastes that make for an unforgettable experience. When it comes to gifts, most people prefer an experience to an object. Gift hampers are packed with goodies that are guaranteed to offer an unparalleled experience. For a low cost, Christmas gift hampers come with an array of treats for everyone to enjoy. Here are some of the popular gift hampers on the shelves of gift shops this Christmas.

hampers australia

The Christmas Sweet Delight

If you are looking for the perfect gift for your friends, family, colleagues or clients, the Christmas Sweet Delight is a stunning option. The hamper comes with a Lindt Lindor milk chocolate pack, Chocolatier chocolates, Fruit & Nut milk chocolate, and Nougat Limar cherry cranberry pistachio. Biscuit House Jam shortbread and Pudding Lane, classic Christmas pudding also feature in the hamper. The hamper is packaged in a premium gift box coupled with classy ribbons, tissue, and a gift card. Other items can be added to the gift hamper including a bottle of wine.

The Festive Sweets with Wine

This is a beautiful hamper to give as a gift as you usher in the festivities. The gift is packed with an array of goodies ranging from Lollyshop Raspberry Cream Bullseyes boiled lollies to the tasty Nougat Limar cherry cranberry pistachio. For the wine selection, you get a McGuigan Private Bin Shiraz 2016 as standard. If you prefer another brand, there are numerous alternatives available. The Pepperjack Coonawarra Cabernet Sauvignon and the Leeuwin Estate Art Series Chardonnay are among the most popular selections. You can get any wine bottle you desire for a small additional charge. Moreover, you can throw in a pamper item to make the gift complete.

The Christmas Indulgence-Sparkling.

It’s a simple gift hamper that is filled to the brim with all types of delicious treats. The hamper is packed in a stylish premium gift box coupled with beautiful ‘Season Greetings’ ribbons. A gift card also comes with the hamper for you to send out your Christmas greetings and best wishes. Inside the elegant gift box are an array of delicious treats including Chocolatier chocolates, Fruit Mince Tarts infused with St Agnes Brandy and Nougat Limar Cherry Cranberry Pistachio. A 750 ml bottle of McGuigan Black Label Chardonnay Pinot Noir Brut Cuvee Sparkling comes as a standard. If you desire, you can also throw in a pamper item or something for a baby into the gift hamper.

This festive season, warm someone’s heart with an elegant Christmas gift hamper.  Get quality products and tasty treats all packed in one gift box for your family, friends or neighbors to enjoy.


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Let’s talk display accessories Mon, 08 Oct 2018 22:09:19 +0000 /?p=1275 So, you’re all set for your big event, office launch, or trade show. You have the itinerary in place, you’ve called your guests to confirm attendance, you’ve covered food and...

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So, you’re all set for your big event, office launch, or trade show. You have the itinerary in place, you’ve called your guests to confirm attendance, you’ve covered food and drink, you’ve summoned the press, you’ve even reviewed the condition of your banners, so you’re good to go. But there are other things that get overlooked, things you might not notice until you get to the venue and reach for some item, only to realise you don’t have it. These include mounting tools like ladders and string (for bunting flags – don’t forget thicker rope for hoisting your flag pole banners).

There are two helpful ways to ensure you’ve carried everything. One is to use a checklist. Tick off every item as you go. But remember, the usefulness of your checklist is dependent on how thoroughly you wrote it. Those little things you forget – like a rag for wiping the frames / fabrics before mounting – you might forget to put them on your list as well. Keep the list updated. So – for example – every time you ‘spot’ something you left at work, add it to the list for future reference. Also, as you pack up, list the items as you load them into your truck.

Portable bags

That kind of post-event listing will record any items you may overlook, such as product labels or chalk / whiteboard markers. When you purchase your banners, find out if they come with a carry case. Its stated function is to prevent damage in transit or storage. The most basic type is the dust cover, but you can get a hard-back cover, or something waterproof. Ideally, get a case with castors, so you can easily tug it around. Zippers are preferable to buttons.

A second advantage of a good banner bag is multi-use. Many bags have enough room (and sometimes specialised compartments) for your banner poles, screws, tools, stands, and other components. Having everything in one bag makes you less likely to forget relevant items. You can also put name tags and stand labels inside the bag. Just be sure not to overload it. Also, avoid keeping scissors, pins, and other sharp objects inside the bag, because they might rip your graphics sheets and/or fabrics, as well as tearing the bag itself.

Mounting brackets

A good banner supplier will include banner stands in the package, even if you’re not purchasing freestanding units. However, you may need specific brackets for your pop-up stand. Consider this before-hand and ask your supplier for relevant mounting accessories. Usually, you can get spiked feet for grass / earthen floors, drills and bolts for concrete surfaces (walls and floors), or weighed feet for flattened ground. If you have adequate budgets, you can buy multiple sets of each and have them in storage as needed.

If you plan on using wall-mounts, inspect the venue in advance. You’ll need to ask your host if they’re okay with you drilling into their surfaces. If they have prepped spaces for wall mounts, look at the mount sites carefully to be sure you have appropriatefastening. Screws and bolts will have to be the right size and shape. You also want to confirm how much weight those wall bracket sockets can support. If your banner breaks the walls of the venue, you’ll have to pay for the damage, and you’ll still have to pay for your own banner replacements.

Modular framing

For ordinary banners, a single stand is adequate, but sometimes you want to pull a Lego at your event. Modular framing is made from individual cubes, tiles, and rods that fit into each other, creating larger frames in diverse sizes and shapes. You can create a catwalk, restaurant floor, or even a vehicle showroom. For best results, combine modular ‘walls’ with modular ‘floors’. They provide additional advertising surfaces and make your booth stand out.

These modular pieces are made of lightweight aluminium and can be built and dismantled in just a few minutes. Before you buy them, check whether they’re compatible with the banners you already own. It’s smartest to buy the frames as a kit, with their own fabric and extensions. Then when you want to expand your selection, you can go back to the supplier. However, veer on the side of overstocking, because by the time you want a top-up, those parts may be out of circulation, and the upgrades may not fit your existing banner system.

Light fixtures

Whether you’re hosting a night-time event or hosting a pop-up in a darkened exhibition hall, banner lights are key. You shouldn’t just go for any generic light. Banner lights are designed to highlight target areas of your banner without reflective glare. They can be in-built, back-lights, or front-lights, mounted overhead or slipped inside the frame. Shop around to see what best suits your needs.


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