Why Home Delivery is Still a Success


home delivery success


Home delivery has been around since the dawn of the traditional milkman venturing from the dairy to drop fresh bottles of milk at the doors of residents.

Since then, the rise of food delivery has evolved with eateries and restaurants boxing up their sumptuous menu items for swift delivery to hungry workplaces and households that want the convenience and quality of expertly made food, without the hassle of purchasing and preparing ingredients.

Pizza delivery alone is rumoured to have started as early as 1889 when King Umberto and Queen Margherita received a special pizza from the famed chef Raffaele Esposito. It is then widely believed that pizza delivery started more commercially after WWII when soldiers returning from Italy developed an appetite for the delicious dish – and with pizza easily transported in paper and card boxes, home delivery was a simple step ahead!

Despite the rapidly changing landscape, how is it that home delivered food is still relevant and more popular than ever before?


food home delivery


Convenience in a fast-paced world

Families and workplaces are battling with demands that compete every 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

When the going gets tough, one of the simplest ways to ease off tensions and even improve the mood of your friends, colleagues and family is to sit down to a delicious meal, better yet, one you didn’t have to slave over cooking!

Lots of workplaces are successfully using pizza lunches and takeaway dinners as rewards and incentives for workshops and urgent projects. Not to mention mammoth undertakings where you’re roping in friends and family to help with moving house, spring cleaning or renovating!

Food brings people together, so what’s better than a freshly prepared meal from your local restaurant.


Delicious meals for all the family

Only a few years ago it was virtually impossible to find meals for family members who are vegetarian, managing food intolerances, or tackling a special dietary requirement.

Now, most takeaway restaurants offer customisable options that cater to those who need a little tweaking to their meals – or just those who really love extra cheese and flavours on their favourite menu options.

In addition, more restaurants offer sides and complementary options for those who might want to upgrade their pizza dinner with a side salad, home-style pasta dish or some other delicious treats to round out their meal.


Improvement in preparation, cooking and delivery

As technology improves, so does the way restaurants take orders, prepare ingredients and cook meals.

Customers demand a quality experience, so today’s restaurants have responded and evolved with advancements to make every order professionally made in the shortest time possible.

No longer will customers wait for hours for a soggy, cold pizza – pizzas are delivered fresh and piping hot straight to your door!


Diversity in origins and options

Multiculturalism has brought us many great things, one of which is a diversified culinary menu!

Mixing and matching flavours, spices and ingredients in some of the most popular menu options has created new firm favourites – like our Falafel and Tandoori gourmet pizzas!
Whether you can’t decide on what flavours to have, or you’re just stuck between international dishes, there’s always an option around the corner.
Food bridges the gaps – not just those in your stomach, but between neighbours – so there’s nothing quite like sitting down for a filling and satisfying meal and sharing stories.


Experience the very best that takeaway food can bring to you, your family, and colleagues by exploring all the delicious options available at your local eatery.

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About the Author: Katheryn Jenkins