How A High Protein Diet Will Help You Meet Your Fitness Goal

How A High Protein Diet Will Help You Meet Your Fitness Goal

To help you meet your personal fitness goal, a diet high in protein is essential for many reasons. Especially if you’re working out to gain some extra muscle mass, you need fuel for your body and the right amount of protein intake is vital as the nutrient contains chains of amino acids which support the building of muscle tissue. Protein also helps you if you are exercising to drop a size, as it is dense and the body needs to work harder to digest it. This means more calories are burnt in the process of absorption. Furthermore, does the nutrient keep your blood sugar level stable, hence you will experience fewer food cravings over a longer period of time which may result in eventual weight loss.


Since most essential proteins are provided by food and you are exercising hard, you should make sure to include enough dairy products, eggs, fish and meat in their daily diet as well as nuts, seeds, fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Even though animal foods are a source of good protein, you should eat a variety of plant-based proteins as well to get all essential amino acids your body needs when training towards your fitness goal.


It is long known that especially athletes who include a lot of weightlifting into their exercise need a higher protein intake than the average individual since their muscles need to be repaired after the break down during exercise. When working out tough, your muscles are extremely challenged and are in need of recovery. To encourage a healthy process of repairing, your body requires plenty of amino acids, one of the reasons why a lot of athletes take in protein after exercise to provide nutrition for speedy recovery. Taking in proteins shortly after a workout is furthermore associated with a decrease in muscular soreness and overall fewer medical visits.


Protein not only repairs the damage done to the muscle fibres but also promotes muscle growth at the same time and the reason, why so many bodybuilders watch their protein diet closely. For muscle repair and steady growth, such athletes are required to take in almost 50 percent more than the average person, who requires about 0.74 grams of protein per kilo of their body weight. For that reason, people who are looking to build some muscle mass are recommended up to 1.7 grams of protein per kilo of bodyweight, hence a 75kg bodybuilder should have a protein intake of about 114 grams per day. To help you figure out the amount of protein in cooked meat to help you fix your dinner tonight, there are roughly 7 grams of protein contained in 30 grams of chicken meat, which means an 85-gram piece of breast provides about 21 grams of protein.


A lot of athletes feel they do not get enough protein from their diet alone and turn to supplements such as protein shakes or bars after exercise to get the recommended intake to help them reach their fitness goal. If you are looking for a supplement that helps you build extra muscles fast, Gold Standard Whey is the perfect protein supplement to turn to. Whey is a protein that is digested easily by most people and the popular powder comes in various delicious flavours such as Cookies & Cream, Rocky Road or Vanilla Ice Cream. Mixed with your preferred beverage, Gold Standard Whey is a prime choice for post-workout protein shakes. The high-quality product benefits from added branched chained amino acids to help boost your internal protein production and enables you to recover faster from workouts.


If you don’t feel like mixing yourself a shake but are out for a protein boost on the go that is densely packed with nutrition, high in fibre and protein but low in carbs and does not come as a sugary treat in disguise, look no further. Quest bars are the protein bars to turn to not only for their reputation of being the best tasting protein bars on the market but because of their convenience. Quest bars are small and can be consumed quickly by active people who lack the time for extensive meal planning. Contrary to shakes, these protein bars do not require measuring and mixing but can be eaten on the go by athletes who are given the choice between delicious flavours such as Apple Pie, Cinnamon Roll or White Choc Raspberry.

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About the Author: Bayazid Bostami

As a professional blogger he always tries to contribute to the online community and sharing ideas to the people.

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