How Long Does A Gas Hot Water Heater Last?

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Water heaters are probably one of the most overlooked appliances in the house. We never think about the water heating system until the day we try to take a shower and the water runs cold. Up until that point, we may not even know exactly which part of the house the water heater resides in. Many homes have heaters that are electric, and newer homes have insta-showers which heat water as it passes through the shower head.

Still, older houses have gas powered heaters. These heaters run up a lower bill than conventional electric heaters, but they still use more power than insta-showers. A good gas heater should continue to function for between eight and twelve years before it needs replacement. Electric heaters can survive ten to fifteen years.

Of course it will only last this long if you regularly maintain it. This includes flushing the heater once a year to get rid of sediments and keep water flowing smoothly. Aside from refusing to heat water, you might notice a leak beneath the heating tank. Apart from leaks and cold water, you could keep an eye on your tank.

Look and listen

As your heater gets older, inspect your shower water more carefully. If the water is discolored or if it has a metallic smell or taste, it’s possible that some of the metal elements inside the tank have rusted and corroded. This isn’t something you can fix on your own, so you need to call a plumber to come and check the heating system.

You can also listen for strange sounds. If there’s banging or popping noise, or if the water seems to gurgle inside the tank, then it’s probable that the tank has been clogged with sediment that has accumulated at the bottom of the tank. When you turn it on and water circulates, it agitates the sediment, causing those odd sounds.

A water heater that has piled up residue needs to be flushed to remove the dirt, then clean water should flow through the heating tank to remove all the debris. Valves might need to replace, so a plumber can help you. It’s possible to sort it out yourself using a quick online tutorial though if you’re determined enough.

hot water repairs Sydney

Wet patches on the tank

Your gas heater is connected to a small water tank which is then linked to the hot water tap in your shower. If the tank cracks or leaks, the water could get into the gas pipes and potentially cause an accident. On the other hand, the crack could expand and cause the tank to crumble and collapse. If you see any drips, puddles, or moist patches, call a plumber immediately, because a cracked tank isn’t something you can repair on your own.

Your replacement is likely to be a new tank with its own inbuilt heater rather than a separate heater. Still you can install an insta-shower. It’s usually attached to the shower head and the house electrical system rather than the water tank. It boils water using a pressure-based system. Electrical current heats the metal part of the shower head as water passes through it, so that by the time it shoots out of the nozzles, it’s hot.

Pressure-powered heating

Because the shower water is heated in seconds, less electrical energy is used overall, bringing down your utility bill. Insta-showers still need a tank to source the water, so when you install it, if your heater is cracked, you’ll have to install a new tank. It doesn’t have to be a large one. Bathroom tanks can be as small or 500 liters to 1,000 liters, since all you need is enough for one shower. Be sure to reconnect it to the house’s main tank for re-supply.

The trouble in the heating system may be in the gas pipes rather than the tank itself. A plumber with experience in roof plumbing and gas plumbing as well as regular plumbing would be best. They’re the best positioned to solve all the problems at once, and they can do it quickly and with ease. It’s likely to cost you a good bit though, so once your heating system is repaired, extend its lifespan by flushing it annually.


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About the Author: Varun Rana