Natural Solutions for Bad Breath

get rid of bad breath


Get Rid of Bad Breath

Issues like bad breath can cause you to be ill-at-ease in your day-to-day life. Yet there are many causes of bad breath, so the first step to eliminating the issue is identifying what’s causing it. Sinus problems and diabetes can both cause bad breath, while poor tongue brushing is also a culprit in younger people and gum problems in those who are middle-aged or older.

Once you identify the root cause, you should try different options until you find the one that works best for you.


Natural Solution to get rid of bad breath


Practise tongue brushing

Even those who brush twice and floss once daily can find their breath less than sweet. That’s because your whole mouth, not just your teeth and gums, require cleaning to eradicate odour-inducing bacteria. Consider buying a tongue scraper and adding it to your regime. (If you find yourself in a pinch, use a spoon to scrape your tongue.) Otherwise, simply add brushing your tongue and the roof of your mouth to your daily brushing routine: using your toothbrush, brush your tongue and the roof of your mouth at least once daily to rid your mouth of foul odour-inducing bacteria.

Avoid certain foods and drinks

Food combining may be common diet advice but eating proteins and carbohydrates at the same time is a known cause of bad breath. Other foods and drinks to avoid in your fight against bad breath include garlic, onions, cheese, alcohol, coffee, soft drinks and juice.

Eat fresh fruit and crunchy vegetables

While juice causes bad breath, fresh fruit and crunchy vegetables combat it by stimulating saliva. Munch on fresh apples, an orange, celery or carrot sticks and you’ll find your breath immediately fresher.

Eat breath freshening herbs and seeds

Many herbs and seeds are natural breath fresheners. Chew on one or more of the following to stop bad breath dead in its tracks: Fennel, dill, anise, cilantro, parsley, peppermint, cloves or cardamom. You can also try sucking on a cinnamon stick.

Read Also: All You Need to Know About Teeth Whitening

Prevent dehydration

Drinking plenty of water throughout the day prevents dehydration and the accompanying dry mouth, which is a haven for bad breath. If sipping water constantly isn’t your speed, swish plain water in your mouth or gargle with salt water. And if the odour persists, review your prescription list; certain prescriptions are known to produce dry mouth.


Take zinc and probiotics

Zinc deficiency and poor digestive health are known causes of bad breath. Zinc is integral in maintaining a clean mouth, so being deficient in it causes your mouth to become a breeding ground for bacteria. To combat zinc deficiency, eat zinc-rich foods (organ meat, pumpkin or squash seeds, products with cocoa, etc.) and take a zinc supplement daily. Recommended daily doses typically range from 9 to 12 mg.

The excess gas that accompanies digestive woes results in bad breath. Supplementing with probiotic capsules and eating probiotic-rich fermented foods (kimchi, sauerkraut, yogurt) can help counteract the issue.


Inhibit bacteria with wine, tea and gum

Did you know that drinking red wine has been proven to inhibit bacteria growth? Just sip in moderation and remember to rinse your mouth with water once you’re done to prevent staining your teeth.

If you’re not a oenophile, try drinking either green or black tea. Tea contains bacteria-fighting polyphenols, which will assist in freshening your breath.

If wine and tea don’t appeal, try chewing sugarless gum. Gum keeps your mouth moist, and helps remove particles from teeth.

Revisit your dental habits

Maybe you already brush and floss daily, but need to add a brushing or flossing throughout the day. For example, perhaps you need to start carrying a brush kit to work in order to brush and floss immediately after you eat breakfast and lunch. Or, maybe you need to start using additional gear, such as an oral irrigator, to flush out bacteria from deep within your mouth’s crevices. Also check how you store your toothbrush: storing it head down in a covered tumbler of hydrogen peroxide and rinsing it before each use keeps bacteria from forming on your brush.

Remember to toss your toothbrush every three months.


If you wear dentures, do you soak them every night in an antiseptic solution? If not, beginning to do so may solve your bad breath problem, since unsoaked dentures can produce foul odours.

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About the Author: Katheryn Jenkins