Occasions for Eating Pizza This Spring

Occasions for Eating Pizza This Spring

It’s spring! The days are getting warmer and longer, and everyone is shaking off winter and feeling good about being able to get outside again. Spring is the perfect time for pizza, and there are certainly advantages to serving pizza at your next party or get-together.

Great Occasions to Have Pizza

Here are just some great occasions for serving and eating pizza.

Footy night!

As the season comes to a close there are still some big matches to come, and everyone will love eating pizza before or during the game. Whether you are hosting the party, or mates are bringing along something to eat, pizza is perfect for watching any sporting events; it’s easy to bring or have delivered, no plates required and no messy clean up afterwards.

Birthday Parties

This is also a hugely popular reason to order in pizzas. It’s always been a popular party food, and in spring with everyone sitting outside enjoying the warmer weather there is no better time. It doesn’t matter if it’s a few friends or a larger gathering it’s possible to get in pizzas that everyone will love – from meat eater to vegetarian. You can order different toppings, different crust etc. so you can order to suit your party guests.

Graduation Parties

When your child graduates from Uni or high school it’s an important time, unfortunately, food costs can skyrocket when you have dozens of hungry teenagers on your door step. Pizza – everyone loves it, and it is affordable. Order pizza for your guests and remember you can choose toppings and crusts to suit all your guests.

Family reunions

Getting the family together in spring is always fun. The kids can run around playing while the adults get a chance to catch up. Unfortunately, at events like this, you find one or two people are stuck in the kitchen all night cooking or cleaning up, and they get left out. When you order pizzas, everyone can be outside enjoying the fun. Add some paper plates or napkins, and there is very little to tidy up afterwards. Enjoy your family get-together, don’t be stuck inside cooking!

Wedding receptions

While that may sound like a very strange occasion, it comes down to your budget and your wedding. If it’s a second or third wedding, in a garden or outdoors, or you are just renewing your vows, if you have a large group of guests, hire of a reception hall and food can be very expensive, with pizza you keep your costs down and you allow everyone to have a relaxed time. Don’t forget to order some side dishes!

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About the Author: Katheryn Jenkins