Planning Tips for Your 2018 Exhibition Stands

Idea for exhibition stands

If you are planning to market your brand in an expo, there are many good options to explore. You can have any display system ranging from roll-up banners to tension fabric displays. Which option to go for is completely dependent on your budget and your objective at the expo. Exhibition displays have become popular and are used as a marketing strategy especially in expos and conventions. If you have been to any expo, then you must have come across a huge set up that has a stand with a product printed on it and a backdrop echoing the same item on it. These are exhibition stands. There are many types of exhibition displays in the market and choosing the right one for your 2018 expo can make all the difference.

If you are setting up a stand to sell your items, promotional displays are the best way to get attention to your stand. From a distance, a potential client can make out the product or services you are trying to sell by simply looking at your display. You can set up your promotional display in the face of your stand or behind your stand. The size is dependent on the design of your stand but the more visible the display is, the better. You can also opt to set up your display beside your stand. Whichever option you pick, promotional displays are bound to reel in clients. Place them where they can be seen and watch the magic happen.

Exhibition stands are good for marketing, branding and selling items but if you want them to be effective you must be keen on what goes up on your exhibition display. The content you put out on your displays heavily determines if your marketing or branding is going to be effective. There are various options for the content to put up on exhibition displays. You can have a picture only, text only or a combination of both. Your choice should depend on what you are trying to sell and if you are marketing at the point of sale. Pictures are ideal for stands where the item on display is up for sale at the stand. The idea is for the display to capture attention and reel in clients. From there, the duty to record a sale is on whoever is attending to the stand. Texts are good for high demand items that are recognizable by words. A combination of pictures and text is among the most popular options for exhibition displays. The picture captures attention while the text makes a call to action.

The key goal of any exhibition stands is to be seen. As a result, placement is crucial when it comes to marketing through exhibition displays. Depending on the premises you are using, there are a number of factors to consider before setting up your stand. It is effective to set up your exhibition stand to display in high traffic areas. The more people walking by your stand, the higher the chances someone will catch a glimpse of it. If you are setting up in a mall, go for spaces near the entrance. These areas get a lot of human traffic and coerce potential clients on entry to the mall. Moreover, it is prudent to set up your stand in a location where you can enjoy a lot of attention. This means avoiding spaces that already have stands especially stands that are marketing a product or a service that may be considered as a threat or competitor.

Exhibition displays come in all shapes and sizes. For an effective marketing campaign, you might want to go for a unique setup. Considering many marketing spaces in expos have different stands, having a unique set up is bound to get you the attention you need. There are many exhibition display options available in the market. Depending on your budget, you can get large ad stands or smaller info-stands. The shape and size of your exhibition display can be customized to meet your specifications. Hence, go for something unique that can get the attention you need. Exhibition displays are among the top marketing tools available for exhibition stands. Their effective use is guaranteed to get you the sales you require and push your brand. This year be creative and blow people’s minds with your exhibition stands. Your exhibition stands for 2018 not only need to be effective but also mind-blowing.

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About the Author: Katheryn Jenkins