Sometimes Renting Your Furniture is a Win-Win

For some, renting anything has a negative connotation because in their minds if you don’t own it, it’s not an asset that you can rely on down the road. For some items like furniture, however, renting can be a win-win. The rental company, of course, is happy to have your business and to retain the furniture as an asset that they can re-rent in the future after you’ve returned it. You, as the renter, are also getting some great benefits.

  1. Affordable

Furniture is expensive, and many first-time homebuyers are already overwhelmed paying their mortgage, let alone finding the money to furnish their home. Renting furniture allows you to fully furnish a room or your entire home for a fraction of the cost it would take to buy all of those items outright. It also helps you to avoid the costly mistake of buying a piece of furniture that is the wrong size or shape for your room, or is just bad quality.

Renting furniture lets you take home the furniture without the commitment of owning it forever—if you don’t like it after one, two, or even six months, you can just end the rental. If you’ve bought furniture, you typically can only return it for a very short window of time.

  1. Convenient and Stress-free

Buying furniture can be tiring and stressful. If you’re not working with an interior designer, all of the decisions regarding the style of the room are up to you. That can be an overwhelming task, having to shell out large sums of money for items that you just aren’t sure will create the look you’re going for. When you rent furniture, you can take an item home, see how it fits in your space, and then continue renting it or return it to try something different, all with very little monetary investment by comparison. If you finally find a set up you love and you have the money to spare, then you can go out and buy the same or similar pieces to achieve the same look.

Renting furniture is also convenient because it’s one-stop shopping. If you were going to buy furniture, you would probably have to look at several different shops to find the items you’re looking for at the best price. When you rent, your investment is low, so you can afford to take home the items you love without worrying about comparison shopping.

  1. Great for Long or Short Term

Many people think renting furniture only makes sense in the short-term. But if you know you’ll be moving to a new home every few years due to work, property investment, or personal preference, then renting long-term can be a perfect fit.

The costs of moving, storage, damage, disposal, and buying new pieces for a new home can really add up, especially if you’re doing it every few years. Renting furniture basically eliminates those costs and takes away so much coordination and stress from the moving process. You’ll no longer have to worry whether the furniture in your current house will work in your new home or not, whether you’ll need to put some of it in storage or not, or whether you’ll need to repeat some or all of the furniture buying process in your new home.

  1. Flexible

In today’s globalized world, many people jump from city to city for work, often unsure of how long they will be stationed there. It could be one year, it could be ten. Others move unexpectedly or fall on hard times just when they’ve moved or bought a new home. Renting furniture allows you the flexibility of feeling settled in a new place without the financial or material commitment of buying new furniture. And should you need to suddenly move again, you have the flexibility to return your furniture and hop to your next destination unburdened and worry-free.

  1. High-Quality and Stylish

Good furniture rental outlets will keep up their offerings with the latest trends and styles. This means that if you have been renting for a while but are seeing a new style that you love, you can return your current items and rent the new items that you love. When you’ve invested in a piece of furniture on the other hand, your kind of stuck with it, even if you’re seeing new styles that you love.

Furniture rental companies also have a vested interest in providing quality furniture—they want it to last so that it has a long rental life. This means you’ll get top-quality items at the amazing low cost of your rental. This is especially important for those who rent furniture because they move frequently. Without furniture rental available, many people buy cheap, lesser-quality furniture just to last for the duration of their stay in the area. Once they move on, they can essentially just throw it away. This is bad for the owner, as they will be living with low-quality furniture, but also takes a toll on the environment.

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About the Author: Katheryn Jenkins