Spend More Quality Time with Your Family

At the very core of this finite experience is positive human connections with the people we love. As we get a bit older and get a bit wiser we start to realise what’s truly important and spending quality time with your family is definitely high on the list.

It sounds easy, but at times it’s easy to get caught up in the rat the race and before you know it you’re getting home from work exhausted and time poor, struggling to muster the energy for any extracurricular activities, like taking the family to the park.

So it is important to manage your time wisely and take care of your body so you are at your best when it comes time to spending quality time with the family. In this post, we will give you some red hot tips on how to free up some time and take care of yourself, so you can be at your very best for your family.

Get Quality Sleep

There is a difference between sleep and quality sleep. The optimal time where your body gets the best rest is between 10:30 pm to 6:30 am. Circadian rhythms follow the sun. You might also want to get into a relaxing practice such as breathing exercises or some light yoga to wind down your body and mind so it’s ready for deep sleep. Getting a restful night’s sleep will give you the energy to power through the day and into the afternoon, so when you arrive home and the kids want to play you still have some reserves in the tank.

Time Management

This is an obvious one but it’s one of the hardest to maintain. Buy a diary, set alarms and utilize all apps you can that will help you manage time wisely. A little bit of planning goes a long way and will allow you to get things done and free up some time for you to spend with your family. The night before, plan your day so you have a clear idea of what needs to be and done and when. Of course, allow as much time as you can afford for quality time with your family.

Plan Day Trips

Try to dedicate at least one full day a week where you leave the phones at home and take the family out of the city and into nature. The natural environment will not only feed your soul, it will also bring your family closer together and is the perfect setting for some quality time. Nearly every city has some hidden gems just outside the city limits. Do some research online during the week, pack a picnic hamper and set off with the family.

Outsource Duties

If you are time poor and you are struggling to get a moment for yourself let alone your family, try outsourcing some of your daily chores. Get a cleaner in a few times a week for a regular clean. You would be surprised how much time doing household chores consumes. Don’t be too proud to let someone else help out like a house cleaning service. That way when you get home from work you can tend to what’s important such as playing some board games with the family.

This can also be done in the work arena. Try outsourcing some of the tasks that you feel someone else can handle. You may have to sacrifice a few dollars in the process but you will be buying something that is priceless. Time!

Just Say No

It’s quite common in our work and social lives for us to want to be agreeable and feel like we aren’t letting people down. Whether it’s a work function or an invitation to a wedding or party. It’s ok to say no without feeling guilty. Obviously, use some tact when approaching the situation and politely decline where it’s possible. Saying no to certain engagements will free up your time for you to spend with your family.

Get Your Priorities Straight Mate

Get out a pencil and paper. Now!  Make a list of work and life of the things that you spend the most time on. This will give you a visual representation of your life in its current state. Then make another list of how you would like to prioritise your life. Look at every day and work towards achieving it. The results may not come instantly but chip away at it little by little giving more time to things that you hold dear.

Don’t Get Distracted

It’s easy to get distracted in our current times. You start listening to a podcast while you’re working and the next minute you’ve been taken down a rabbit hole and you are reading about the mysterious disappearance of Harold Holt. Recognise this behaviour and avoid it. Get back on track and hammer away at your work, get it done.

These are just a few general tips for you to free up some valuable time that can be spent with your family. You know your life better than anyone else, therefore, you have the best understanding of how to make some tweaks and refine it so you can be living a well-balanced life and spend quality time with the people you love.


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About the Author: Katheryn Jenkins