The Benefits of More Frequent Professional Cleans Over Winter

clean your house in winter

During the colder months of winter, we tend to spend more time indoors. Whether it’s curled up under the doona, binge-watching your favourite T.V shows or pottering around the house in your pajamas of a weekend, homebound is usually the case and things can start to get quite messy. In colder weather, it’s also a lot easier to get sick. That’s why getting your house cleaned more frequently during the winter is important. A clean home is a happy, healthy home and when it does come time to lounge around the house, it’s in pristine condition, making it more comfortable indoors when it’s unbearably cold outdoors.

Winter is a time for indoor entertaining. It’s about getting friends and family over and enjoying cherished moments in front of the fireplace; breaking bread and sharing a meal. But all this extra time spent indoors means that things can start to get a little messy. Sometimes it’s hard to keep up, especially with today’s fast-paced life and long work hours. The last thing you want to be doing when you get home from work is clean up from the night before. So buy yourself some time and get a professional cleaner to help out around the house. Then when you get home from work all that’s left to do is light the fire, kick back and enjoy some cozy times around the fire.

Winter is the season of colds and cases of flu. To help ward off flus and stay healthy, it is important to have a clean home. Excess germs can be nasty and result in getting sick. A professional cleaner will disinfect all the trouble areas such as the bathroom and kitchen so you have the peace of mind that you and family are protected.

Pests are also affected by the cold and just like you are looking to take shelter from the cold winter nights. Your home could be the perfect spot, especially if you have some food scraps left around. Pests will love your home if they can get free food and shelter. During the winter months, it’s important to keep your house as clean as possible and try not to leave anything that can be considered pest food laying around. Yet another reason to get the professionals in to do what they do best.

Let’s face it: winter can be depressing. The cold, gloomy weather and lack of sun make even going to the shop a chore sometimes. Having a messy home will only add to your moody weather demeanor. During winter it’s important to keep your house well maintained and clean so that you can maintain some sort of normality. A clean, uncluttered house has been proven to increase mood. More frequent professional cleans over winter will help you ward off the winter blues and be happy and healthy. When the sun does finally come out, open the curtains and let as much light in as possible.

Winter time is a time for battening down the hatches, closing all doors and windows, in order to keep the precious heat in. It’s a good way to keep warm, although fresh air can often be lacking. Dust and particle build-up can cause your air quality to plummet and those suffering from respiratory diseases or sinuses can be hit really hard. During winter it’s important to keep your house dust free especially if you have carpet. You would be surprised how much dirt and grit can build over the course of a week. So before winter kicks in, get your carpets professionally cleaned so that your air quality doesn’t suffer.

If you’re like me, during winter time you spend most of hibernating. If I’m not at work, I’m under the covers sleeping and the last thing I want to do is clean the house. I get my cleaner in at least twice a week during the cold season, so I don’t have to worry about it.

Beat the winter blue by keeping healthy and happy. Keep your home nice and clean during the winter months to ward off all the nasties that come along with it such colds, flus and hay fever. If you don’t have the time don’t be too proud to get a professional cleaner in to help out around the house and help you come out of winter on top and ready for spring.

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About the Author: Katheryn Jenkins