The Best Supplements for Weight Gain


People start exercising for a plethora of reasons: to lose excess weight, to tone muscle, to attain a feeling of general well-being, and even as a means of de-stressing after a long day. In addition to that, more and more individuals are hitting the gym in a bid to gain some weight. Contrary to popular belief, weight gain is not always bad. Sportspeople (especially those involved in contact sports) usually have diets and exercise regimens that not only increase their strength, but their masses as well. However, weight gain is not only for the people looking to improve their athleticism; weight gain can also improve one’s aesthetic by making them look more muscular and healthier.

When looking to gain weight, it is often a better strategy to gain more muscle mass than body fat. This is because increasing body fat usually results in adverse health effects in the long run. However, gaining muscle, though more rewarding, is usually harder. Your diet, exercise and lifestyle must all be oriented towards your goal of gaining weight. If these alone are not giving you maximal gains, then dietary supplementation may be an option worth considering.

While quite a bit of controversy still surrounds diet supplementation, it is clear, through numerous researches, that adding calories and proteins to your regimens can really propel you towards your goals. This does not mean that all supplements in the market are good for you, or that they are all even necessarily safe. However, great quality supplements can go a long way in helping you attain your weight and health goals. This article is thus directed towards guiding you towards the right supplements, so that you not only gain weight reliably, but also in a healthy way.


Protein Supplements

Gaining muscle mass is the best way to gain weight. Not only is it reliable, it is also healthy and generally beneficial to your well-being. Since proteins are the building blocks for muscles, you must ensure that your protein intake is optimal. However, it is worth noting that research has shown that increasing protein through supplementation only helps increase muscle mass in exercising adults whose daily protein intake is below the recommended threshold. Thus, if you are already consuming about 1.4-2.0 grams/kg of protein in your regular diet, protein supplements may not greatly improve your growth.

However, if you are not getting enough protein in your diet, then a protein supplement such as Quest Bars or Gold Standard Whey can help you increase muscle and thus gain weight. Of importance to note is that for your body to adequately utilise proteins, you are also required exercise regularly and also take in adequate calories daily.



Creatine is an organic compound found naturally in muscle cells. It is important in production of energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate and has been used a supplement by bodybuilders for many years. Creatine helps by improving muscle performance during exercise, as well as increasing strength. While many people have questioned the safety profile of this ubiquitous supplement, innumerable researches have shown that it is not only safe, but also very effective when one is looking to gain muscle mass.


Mass Gainers

One cannot simply talk about supplementing weight gain without venturing into the topic of weight gainers. These compounds are high calorie supplements that contain up to 252 grams of carbs and 50 grams of proteins in one serving. That means you will be taking in more than 1000 calories per serving of these mass gainers. They are usually made into shakes that can be drunk pre- or post-workout or even throughout the day. Mass gainers function similarly to eating a caloric surplus in your daily meals. It is however important to note that while weight gainers can be used to supplement daily diets, they are not better than actually increasing your intake of real food.


Exercise enhancers

Compounds or products that help you exercise harder and more efficiently may help you gain weight when coupled with good diet and/or an appropriate supplement. Caffeine (usually infused in shakes), citrulline and beta alanine are just a few of these exercise-enhancing supplements. They help you exercise harder (caffeine) and improve muscle perfusion (citrulline) and thus increase gains.

While all these supplements can help you make the gains you are aiming for, you should always ensure to consult your healthcare provider, your trainer (if you have one), as well adhere to the guidelines provided by the manufacturer. This will ensure that you get maximum benefits from whatever supplement regimen that you decide to use. All these plus more quality and genuine supplements can be found and bought from various certified stores and be used to propel your weight gain in the right way.

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About the Author: Bayazid Bostami

As a professional blogger he always tries to contribute to the online community and sharing ideas to the people.