The Lifting Pusher is on The Rise


The Australian Trucking industry has experienced significant growth in the past few years with leading global brands scrambling to secure a stake of the market. The New and Used Truck landscape as well as sales of truck spares has risen exponentially due to heavy investment in the trucking industry Down Under. The distance of Australia from the main trucking production centres has led the leading truck and bus manufacturers to establish vehicle assembly, truck parts service centres in major locations around the country so as to support the growing demand.

The Lifting Pusher

Heavy commercial vehicles come in various sizes and have a wide range of wheel configurations. If you have ever paid close attention to a heavy commercial truck with multiple sets of wheels, you may have noticed that not all the wheels touch the ground at the same time. There is often a set of tyres that is raised above the ground unless the truck is fully loaded. This set of suspended tyres is referred to as a lifting axle. A lifting axle is an extra set of tyres that are used to balance out the weight of a truck when the payload exceeds a set tonnage.

When a truck has a light payload, the axle is lifted off the ground so as to save on fuel consumption and tyre wear as well as improve the maneuverability of the truck. Fuel economy basics teach that the more tyres you have on the road at a time, the more fuel your truck consumes.

Lifting axles are usually non-powered or ‘dead’ axles and their position in relation to the active or drive-train axle in a truck determines their name. A truck with lifting axles behind the drive-train axle is known as a Tag Axle while those with lifting axles in front of the drive-train axle are called Pushers.

Loading a heavy payload in a lifting pusher is easier than a tag axle because the extra weight in a pusher can be loaded into the centre of the truck while tag axles are located at the back of the truck and may not distribute the payload efficiently due to the overhang issues.

Lifting axles are very useful because most cargo trucks are only loaded to capacity more than half the time they are in operation. They often drive to a location empty, load and deliver a heavy cargo to its destination then drive back empty. In some cases, the cargo is not heavy enough to require the use of all axles. In these cases, the truck driver can push a button on the dashboard to lift the axle off the ground because it is not needed.

Another benefit of a lifting axle is that the truck owner can take advantage of the regulatory benefits of having a truck that can switch from 4X2 to 6X2 wheel configurations on demand. Australia recently passed some strict laws concerning heavy trucks restricting the allowable weight per axle. This is one of the regulations that have been praised for increasing the market demand for lifting axles Down Under. This way the truck owner can take both heavy and light jobs without having to worry but switching out trucks.

Most modern trucks are equipped with an interactive digital control panel mounted on the dashboard that monitors the trucks weight and either lowers the lifting axle automatically or alerts the driver to initiate the action depending on the settings laid out by the truck operators. It is advisable for the lifting axle to be lowered when the truck is being loaded and then raised before driving off in case it not needed. Some trucks have a manual mechanism to lower the lifting axle that is operated from outside the truck to prevent the driver from lifting and lowering the axle while driving.


Lifting pusher trucks are quickly gaining popularity in Australia due to their adaptability and versatility making it suitable for a wide range of applications. More and more truck producers are bringing their pushers to the country to capitalize on the high demand for this type of truck with Hino and DAF leading the way. This newly found national interest in pushers is a perfect example of how a restrictive policy can lead to the development and growth of a market solution where a niche product can become a household name.

Finally, with so many players in the Lifting Pusher Truck field, the customers will benefit from the competition of the truck suppliers. Truck spare parts will be readily available the major cities of the country along with high-quality vehicle service.

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About the Author: Bayazid Bostami

As a professional blogger he always tries to contribute to the online community and sharing ideas to the people.