Why We Should Talk About Sex


There are certain topics that people find challenging to discuss. Yes, we can share dirty jokes and watch sensual videos, but having honest, open discussions about sex is a little harder to do. When we do talk about it, it’s often at light, superficial levels, even though we need to dig deep if we’d really like to get into the issues that really matter.

In many cultures, sex is considered a private matter. It’s taboo to talk about it in public, even though our very existence is proof of sex, seeing as every human being on earth is a direct result of some form of sexual interaction. Talking about it is so awkward that we can barely describe our reproductive organs using their proper names.

It also seems unusual that while we allude to sex in every aspect of our lives, we can’t discuss it openly. Sensual allusions are used to sell products, while sensual music tops the charts every day. Yet key sexual issues get swept under the carpet.

Whenever it’s suggested that we ‘talk about sex’ it’s assumed that we’re talking about teens. It’s implied that we need to get them more aware of the dangers of sex and the consequences it can initiate.

Talking sex with teens can be tricky. Adults might be uneasy discussing sex with youngsters, but kids are often equally embarrassed. After all, their bodies are growing in unfamiliar configurations and responding in unexpected ways to previously ordinary experiences. This can be hard to share with adults.

Unfortunately, we have incomplete perspectives as teens. We think we are the only ones experiencing these things, and that nobody would understand. We can’t tell our peers because we don’t want to stand out, and we can’t tell adults because they won’t get it.


Often, as we get older, we carry forward the same confusion and inadequacies we had as teens. Since we didn’t answer those questions or resolve those budding issues, we continue to bumble along with half-formed sexual concepts and inaccurate views about sex. Talking openly could solve all this and save us all a world of confusion and hurt.

Even as adults, we have looked at our bodies and questioned our proclivities, wondering what is normal and what isn’t. And since we can’t discuss it except in jokes and entertainment settings, we keep those insecurities buried.

For many people, sex education jumps from ignorant puberty to exaggerated porn. To find a healthy and realistic middle ground, it’s important to have open, sincere discussions about sex. These discussions should be based on proven facts rather than myth and rumour.

Open sex talk can cover issues like mutual pleasure, bedroom roles, sexual safety, perceived frigidity, female orgasm, premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, and of course, health concerns. A lot of people don’t know how to talk about sex, but practice makes perfect. And the benefits outweigh the initial awkward hesitance.

When you start to talk to your peers about sex, you start to realise that the thoughts, feelings, and desires you keep to yourself are perfectly natural. You might discover your strange bodily feature is more common than you thought, and that a lot of people’s bodies lean to the left, or grow bigger on the right.

By the same token, you can recognise whether something is wrong. You may have a flaw in your organs or a quibble in your sex life that needs medical attention. If you’ve had it for a long time and never shared it, you won’t know until it’s too late. Or worse, you’ll live with an uncomfortable situation that might be quite easy to fix.

Talking about sex doesn’t just focus on pleasantry. A lot of people find themselves in sexually ambiguous situations which aren’t good for them. This especially affects teens, but if you experienced it as a younger person, you are likely to go through your whole life thinking these unhealthy sexual interactions are ‘normal’.

These kinds of exchanges can propagate inappropriate sexual culture because men and women end up thinking these are normal ways to treat each other, even if one partner ends up feeling violated or objectified. Talking about it openly can help us all figure out what’s okay and what isn’t, not just in the bedroom, but outside it as well.

For all of us, sex is tied into how we feel about our bodies. Talking about it openly will help us make realistic comparisons and can reduce your early ejaculation that will work like as treatment. Instead of pitting ourselves against professionally beautified celebrities, we can focus on normal people and average body proportions. This can help us feel more positive about our bodies, which translates into better sex for everyone.

Related Articles:
7 Reasons You Should Talk More About Sex With Your Friends
How We Should Talk About Sex


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About the Author: Bayazid Bostami

As a professional blogger he always tries to contribute to the online community and sharing ideas to the people.